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为什么Stream :: flatMap的使用错误?

[英]Why is this usage of Stream::flatMap wrong?

I expected to be able to use Stream::flatMap like this 我希望能够像这样使用Stream :: flatMap

public static List<String> duplicate(String s) {

    List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();

    return l;

listOfStrings.stream().flatMap(str -> duplicate(str)).collect(Collectors.toList());

But I get the following compiler error 但是我得到以下编译器错误

Test.java:25: error: incompatible types: cannot infer type-variable(s) R listOfStrings.stream().flatMap(str -> duplicate(str)).collect(Collectors.toList()); Test.java:25:错误:不兼容的类型:无法推断类型变量R listOfStrings.stream()。flatMap(str - > duplicate(str))。collect(Collectors.toList());

(argument mismatch; bad return type in lambda expression List cannot be converted to Stream) (参数不匹配; lambda表达式列表中的错误返回类型无法转换为Stream)
where R,T are type-variables: R extends Object declared in method flatMap(Function>) T extends Object declared in interface Stream 其中R,T是类型变量:R extends在方法flatMap中声明的Object(Function>)T extends在接口Stream中声明的Object

In scala I can do what I believe to be equivalent 在scala我可以做我认为相同的事情

scala> List(1,2,3).flatMap(duplicate(_))
res0: List[Int] = List(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)

Why is this not a valid usage of flatMap in java? 为什么这不是java中flatMap的有效用法?

The lambda expression in flatMap needs to return a Stream , as can be seen by the argument of flatMap which is of type Function<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends R>> flatMap的lambda表达式需要返回一个StreamflatMap的参数可以看出它是Function<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends R>> Function<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends R>> Function<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends R>> . Function<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends R>>

The following code will compile and run fine: 以下代码将编译并运行正常:

             .flatMap(str -> duplicate(str).stream()) // note the .stream() here

because the lambda expression str -> duplicate(str).stream() is of type Function<String, Stream<String>> . 因为lambda表达式str -> duplicate(str).stream()的类型是Function<String, Stream<String>>

If you want to duplicate each object in the stream several times, you don't need to waste memory on this with additional ArrayList . 如果要多次复制流中的每个对象,则不需要使用额外的ArrayList在内存上浪费内存。 There are several shorter and faster alternatives. 有几种更短更快的替代品。

  • Generate new stream using Stream.generate , then limit it: 使用Stream.generate生成新流,然后限制它:

     listOfStrings.stream() .flatMap(str -> Stream.generate(() -> str).limit(2)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); 
  • Generate sequence of numbers via IntStream.range and map them to the same string: 通过IntStream.range生成数字序列并将它们映射到相同的字符串:

     listOfStrings.stream() .flatMap(str -> IntStream.range(0, 2).mapToObj(i -> str)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); 
  • Use good old Collections.nCopies : 使用好的旧Collections.nCopies

     listOfStrings.stream() .flatMap(str -> Collections.nCopies(2, str).stream()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); 

If you are sure that you will always duplicate exactly two times, there's the shortest alternative: 如果你确定你总是会重复两次,那么最短的选择是:

             .flatMap(str -> Stream.of(str, str))

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