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[英]Setting ChoiceBox item too slow in javafx

i have a problem with setting item in ChoiceBox , so basicly i must load data from a database i do it in another thread : 我在ChoiceBox设置项目时ChoiceBox ,因此基本上我必须从数据库中加载数据,然后在另一个线程中进行操作:

final Service<ObservableList<Country>> countryService = new Service<ObservableList<Country>>() {

            protected Task<ObservableList<Country>> createTask() {
                return new Task<ObservableList<Country>>() {

                    protected ObservableList<Country> call() throws Exception {
                        Dao<Country, Integer> countriesDao = null;
                        List<Country> result = null;

                        try {
                            countriesDao = DaoManager.createDao(Connection.getNewInstance(), Country.class);
                            System.out.println("getting data");
                            result = countriesDao.queryForAll();
                            System.out.println("got data");
                        } catch (SQLException ex) {
                            Logger.getLogger(ListClientsController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

                        return FXCollections.observableArrayList(result);


        countryService.setOnSucceeded(new EventHandler<WorkerStateEvent>() {

            public void handle(WorkerStateEvent event) {
                  // taking a lot of time here like 4-5 second and freeze
                  // the gui(normal because it executed in Javafx Application Thread

                 // but why its take so much time??


Normally database access should take a time longer that setting a list to a ChoiceBox, but no here fetching 150 record from my database is instantaneous but settings observable list to my ChoiceBox take about 5 seconds why? 通常,数据库访问所花的时间要比将列表设置为ChoiceBox所花费的时间更长,但是从我的数据库中获取150条记录不是瞬时的,但是为我的ChoiceBox设置可观察列表大约需要5秒钟,为什么? because i have too much Node in my current Scene?? 因为我当前场景中的节点过多?


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