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在Swift中使用iOS AWS开发工具包检查Amazon S3文件的元数据

[英]Checking metadata of Amazon S3 file using iOS AWS SDK in Swift

I am using the AWS iOS SDK v2, and Swift 1.2. 我正在使用AWS iOS SDK v2和Swift 1.2。

I am storing my app's app.json file on S3 and want to check it at launch to see if it's been updated since the last run. 我将应用程序的app.json文件存储在S3上,并希望在启动时进行检查以查看自上次运行以来是否已更新。 According to research, simply doing a HEAD request on the object should return the "Last-Modified" attribute which can then be compared to the previous. 根据研究,仅对对象执行HEAD请求应返回“ Last-Modified”属性,然后可以将其与前一个属性进行比较。

The problem is that doing a HEAD request on an Object doesn't really seem to be well documented. 问题在于,对Object进行HEAD请求似乎并没有得到很好的记录。 I've got the following: 我有以下几点:

var metaDataRequest = AWSS3HeadObjectRequest()
metaDataRequest.bucket = S3BucketName
metaDataRequest.key = S3AppJSONKey

This seems like a decent start, however I cannot find a way to execute the request. 这似乎是一个不错的开始,但是我找不到执行请求的方法。 The AWSS3TransferManager has a download() method, but the method requires an AWSS3TransferManagerDownloadRequest type, which an AWSS3HeadObjectRequest cannot be cast as. AWSS3TransferManager具有download()方法,但是该方法需要AWSS3TransferManagerDownloadRequest类型,无法将其转换为AWSS3HeadObjectRequest

Not sure where to go from here, short of just doing the request outside of the SDK. 不确定仅从SDK外部执行请求,就不能从这里去。 I did, however, want to leverage as much of the SDK as possible, so if this is possible I would love to know how. 但是,我确实想尽可能多地利用SDK,因此,如果可能的话,我很想知道如何做。

您需要使用AWSS3 (而不是AWSS3TransferManager )来调用- headObject:

You need to call headobject method of AWSS3 您需要调用AWSS3的headobject方法

     var request = AWSS3HeadObjectRequest()

    request.bucket = "flkasdhflhad"
    request.key = "hfsdahfjkhadjkshf"

   request.ifModifiedSince = NSDate()

  var s3 = AWSS3.defaultS3()

    s3.headObject(request) { ( output1 : AWSS3HeadObjectOutput?, error : NSError?) -> Void in
   print( output1?.description())

if your object is modified from specified date then it will return u the object otherwise it will return u the status code 304. 如果您的对象是从指定日期修改的,则它将返回对象,否则将返回状态代码304。

You can use following Swift 2.2 method to check if file exist or not 您可以使用以下Swift 2.2方法检查文件是否存在

func checkIfFileExist() {
    let s3 = AWSS3.defaultS3()
    let headObjectsRequest = AWSS3HeadObjectRequest()
    headObjectsRequest.bucket = "YourBucketName" //Don't add "/" at end of your bucket Name    

    headObjectsRequest.key = "YourFileNameYouWantToCheckFor" //Don't add "/" in start of file name 

    s3.headObject(headObjectsRequest).continueWithBlock { (task) -> AnyObject! in
        if let error = task.error {
            print("Error to find file: \(error)")

        } else {


Note: Example to set bucket and key 注意:设置存储桶和密钥的示例

suppose you have bucket named "ABC" and than folder named "XYZ" and than inside "XYZ" you have file "abc123" 假设您有一个名为“ ABC”的存储桶,而不是名为“ XYZ”的文件夹,并且在“ XYZ”内部,则有文件“ abc123”

than write 比写

headObjectsRequest.bucket = "ABC/XYZ" headObjectsRequest.bucket =“ ABC / XYZ”


headObjectsRequest.key = "abc123" headObjectsRequest.key =“ abc123”

and if you want to check for the entire folder 以及是否要检查整个文件夹

than use 比使用

headObjectsRequest.bucket = "ABC/XYZ" headObjectsRequest.bucket =“ ABC / XYZ”


headObjectsRequest.key = "" headObjectsRequest.key =“”

Thanks Mohsin 谢谢莫辛

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