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在配置块中设置$ httpProvider.defaults.cache

[英]Set $httpProvider.defaults.cache in config block

How can I set $httpProvider.defaults.cache in config block in my application? 如何在应用程序的配置块中设置$httpProvider.defaults.cache Whenever I tried I was receiving "ReferenceError: $cacheFactory is not defined" error. 每当我尝试时,都会收到“ ReferenceError:未定义$ cacheFactory”错误。

So now, I am trying to find out alternative methods to get this done. 所以现在,我正在尝试找出替代方法来完成此任务。

Hence please advice what are the workarounds to achieve this. 因此,请提出实现此目标的解决方法。

If you read this section on $http caching , it says: 如果您在$ http caching上阅读了本节,则会显示:

You can change the default cache to a new object (built with $cacheFactory) by updating the $http.defaults.cache property. 您可以通过更新$http.defaults.cache属性,将默认缓存更改为新对象(使用$ cacheFactory生成)。 All requests who set their cache property to true will now use this cache object. 现在,将其缓存属性设置为true的所有请求都将使用此缓存对象。

Notice how you can do it with $http instead of $httpProvider . 请注意如何使用$http而不是$httpProvider The trick is to not set the default cache in config, but rather in a run block, or some other service/factory you have created. 诀窍是不要在配置中设置默认缓存,而要在运行块或您创建的其他服务/工厂中设置默认缓存。 For example: 例如:

app.run(function($http, $cacheFactory){
    $http.defaults.cache = $cacheFactory('myCache', { capacity: 50 });

After reading the docs again, I realised I misread them originally. 再次阅读文档后,我意识到我原来是看错了。 If you read the docs carefully for the default, it reads: 如果您仔细阅读默认文档,则其内容为:

defaults.cache - {Object} - an object built with $cacheFactory defaults.cache-{Object}-使用$ cacheFactory构建的对象

This is poorly written, but I think that it means that you pass in the object that you would use to create a cache using $cacheFactory . 这写得不好,但是我认为这意味着您传入了使用$cacheFactory创建缓存的对象。 For example: 例如:

$httpProvider.defaults.cache = { /* your cache config here */ };

I believe the provider will utilise $cacheFactory behind the scenes rather than you calling it explicitly. 我相信提供程序将在后台利用$cacheFactory ,而不是您显式调用它。

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