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是否可以从Facebook API获取instagram名称?

[英]Is it possible to get an instagram names from facebook api?

是否可以通过Facebook API获得每个Facebook朋友的Instagram帐户名?

No , it is not possible. ,这是不可能的。

  • You can´t get a list of all your Facebook friends anymore, only a list of those who authorized your App too. 您再也无法获得所有Facebook朋友的列表,也只能获得授权您的应用程序的列表。
  • Facebook bought Instagram, but that does not matter those two platforms are combined. Facebook购买了Instagram,但这两个平台合并在一起并不重要。 There´s no field for the Instagram account in the User table. 用户表中没有Instagram帐户字段。

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