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[英]exception in merge for non-iterative mergesort algorithm

I'm trying to create a non-recursive version of MergeSort but for some reason merge is keeping the code from running in its entirety. 我正在尝试创建MergeSort的非递归版本,但由于某些原因,合并使代码无法完整运行。

Mergesort Code: 合并排序代码:

public void mergeSort(int[] input)

    int n = input.length;
    int size;
    int l;
    for (size = 1; size <= n-1; size = 2*size)
        for (l = 0; l < n-1; l += 2*size)
            int m = l + size -1;
            int r = minimum(l + 2*size - 1, n-1);
            merge(input, l, m, r);

Merge code: 合并代码:

public static void merge(int[] numbers, int low, int middle, int high)

    // Copy both parts into the helper array
     int helper[];
    helper = new int[numbers.length];

   for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
       helper[i] = numbers[i];

   int i = low;
   int j = middle + 1;
   int k = low;
   // Copy the smallest values from either the left or the right side back
   // to the original array

   while (i <= middle && j <= high) {
       if (helper[i] <= helper[j]) {
            numbers[k] = helper[i];
       } else {
            numbers[k] = helper[j];

     // Copy the rest of the left side of the array into the target array

     while (i <= middle) {
           numbers[k] = helper[i];

This is how I fill up the input array (which is of size 100): 这就是我填写输入数组(大小为100)的方式:

public static int fillArray()
    Random r = new Random();
    int rand = r.nextInt();
    return rand;
 //followed by these lines of code in the main method:

    int[] arr;

    arr = new int[100];

    for(int i =0; i<arr.length; i++)
        arr[i] = fillArray();

The exception is with numbers[k] = helper[i] in merge() . 例外是merge() numbers[k] = helper[i]

I know that the contents of the input array are fine because I print out the contents of the array before I perform MergeSort on it. 我知道输入数组的内容很好,因为在对它执行MergeSort之前,我先打印出数组的内容。 Does anyone know what the problem is? 有人知道问题出在哪里吗?

You didn't mention what exception you get but I assume its array out of bounds. 您没有提到得到什么异常,但是我认为它的数组超出范围。 What prevents your middle variable from exceeding the size of the array? 是什么阻止您的中间变量超过数组的大小?

while (i <= middle) {
   numbers[k] = helper[i];

Put in debugging prints etc. 放入调试打印等


int m = Math.min(l + size - 1, n - 1);

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