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[英]Length of a string in c# WinForm

I have a text box in my form and I want to check if the first char is equal to something, 我的表单中有一个文本框,我想检查第一个字符是否等于某个字符,
basically I want it to do this : 基本上我希望它这样做:

if(Textbox1.text.length(0) == "a")
  do stuff

.length only returns an integer of length of the string. .length仅返回字符串长度的整数。 This will compare the first char with 'a'. 这会将第一个字符与“ a”进行比较。

if(Textbox1.text[0] == 'a')

Eh, are you looking for 嗯,你在找吗

  if (Textbox1.Text.StartsWith("a")) {
    // do stuff

you can do this by two ways... one i mentioned in your question's comment 您可以通过两种方式来实现此目的...一种是在您的问题的评论中提到的
second is 第二个是

if(myTextBox.Text[0] == 'B')
//do studd

try smething like this: 尝试这样的事情:

Textbox1.Text.StartsWith("a") ? do something : do something else;

and if it is not just about first character then try something like: 如果不仅是第一个字符,请尝试以下操作:

Textbox1.Text.Contains("a") ? do something : do something else;

if(textBox1.Text.Substring(0,1)==“ a”)

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