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如何使用AWS api将一个目录的内容复制到另一个目录?

[英]How can I copy contents of one directory to another with the AWS api?

  • bucketName/folder1/image.jpg bucketName /文件夹1 / image.jpg的
  • bucketName/folder1/someDoc.doc bucketName /文件夹1 / someDoc.doc
  • bucketName/folder1/somePdf.pdf bucketName /文件夹1 / somePdf.pdf
  • bucketName/folder2/someOtherImage.jpeg bucketName /文件夹2 / someOtherImage.jpeg

I want to be able to copy all the contents of folder1 to folder2 and remove it from folder 1. 我希望能够将folder1的所有内容复制到folder2并将其从文件夹1中删除。

I think you can use the S3DirectoryInfo class using AWSSDK(3.xx version) C#. 我认为您可以通过AWSSDK(3.xx版)C#使用S3DirectoryInfo类。 this class has MoveTo method see the code below. 此类具有MoveTo方法,请参见下面的代码。

        public static void MoveFiles()
            BasicAWSCredentials basicCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials("access key", "secret key");
            AmazonS3Config configurationClient = new AmazonS3Config();
            configurationClient.RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.EUCentral1;//region of bucket
                using (AmazonS3Client clientConnection = new AmazonS3Client(basicCredentials, configurationClient))
                    S3DirectoryInfo source = new S3DirectoryInfo(clientConnection, "sourcebucketname", "sourcefolderkey");
                    S3DirectoryInfo target = new S3DirectoryInfo(clientConnection, "destinationbucketname", "destinationfolderkey");
                    source.MoveTo(target);// move all  content from FolderNameUniTest109 to FolderNameUniTest179

            catch(Exception ex)



try this one: 试试这个:

PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest();
            request.WithKey(PrefixFolder + folderPath[i] + addProjectResponse.ProjectName.Replace("_", " ") + "/");
            request.WithReadWriteTimeout(60 * 60 * 1000);
            S3DirectoryInfo source = new S3DirectoryInfo(s3Client, BUCKET_NAME, PrefixFolder + folderPath[i] + addProjectResponse.OldProjectName.Replace("_", " "));
            S3DirectoryInfo destination = new S3DirectoryInfo(s3Client, BUCKET_NAME, PrefixFolder + folderPath[i] + addProjectResponse.ProjectName.Replace("_", " "));


Here once you copied from one to another first folder is getting deleted. 在这里,从一个文件夹复制到另一个文件夹后,第一个文件夹将被删除。

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