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[英]Conditional fragments or embedded root-containers when using Relay with React-Native

I've got relay working with react-native , but I'm confused about how to best utilize relay routes and root containers, especially when working with a Navigator that renders multiple routes. 我已经使用react-nativerelay ,但是我对如何最好地利用中继路由和根容器感到困惑,尤其是在使用呈现多个路由的Navigator

Take the following class: 参加以下课程:

var Nav = React.createClass({

 renderScene(route, nav) {
   switch(route.id) {
     case 'first':
       return <First navigator={nav} />
     case 'second':
       return <Second navigator={nav} />

 render() {
     initialRoute={{ id: 'first' }}


module.exports = Relay.createContainer(Nav, {   
  fragments: {
    viewer: () => Relay.QL`
      fragment on User {

In my parent route, I then request the User fragment which builds the query. 在我的父路由中,然后我请求构建查询的User片段。

The problem is that the fragment will be including those fields defined by both the first and second components, even if only one of them is being displayed at a time. 问题是片段将包括由firstsecond组件定义的那些字段,即使一次只显示其中一个。

In this case should I: 在这种情况下我应该:

1) return another Relay.RootContainer in the renderScene callback? 1)在renderScene回调中返回另一个Relay.RootContainer Is it generally a bad idea to embed Relay.RootContainers within each-other? 在每个其他内部嵌入Relay.RootContainers通常是个坏主意吗?

renderScene(route, nav) {
  switch(route.id) {
    case 'first':
      return (
           route={new FirstRoute()}
           renderFetched={(data) => {
             return <First navigator={nav} {...data} />

2) Use conditional variables to include a fragment? 2)使用条件变量来包含片段?

initialVariables: {
  first: true

fragments: {
  viewer: (variables) => Relay.QL`
    fragment on User {

Or are there other suggestions? 或者还有其他建议吗?

Using something like this: 1 使用这样的东西: 1

function matchRoute(route, map) {
  return map[route.name] ? map[route.name]() : null;

Try this: 试试这个:

fragments: {
  viewer: (variables) => Relay.QL`
    fragment on User {
      ${route => matchRoute(route, {
        FirstRoute: () => First.getFragment('viewer'),
        SecondRoute: () => Second.getFragment('viewer'),

[1]: medium.com/@cpojer/relay-and-routing [1]: medium.com/@cpojer/relay-and-routing

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