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[英]How to properly mock big XML in unit test in Django and Python?

I want to unit test a method in my XML parser. 我想对XML解析器中的方法进行单元测试。 The method takes an XML element, parses it into Django model object and returns this object. 该方法采用XML元素,将其解析为Django模型对象,然后返回此对象。

I have already written unit tests for parsers, but they required a small bits of XML and I could just paste these bits in string, like: 我已经为解析器编写了单元测试,但是它们需要少量的XML,我可以将这些位粘贴到字符串中,例如:

xml = ElementTree.fromstring('<xml><item>content</item></xml>')

But now I have to pass an XML entity that seems too big for storing it in unit test file itself. 但是现在我必须传递一个看起来太大的XML实体,无法将其存储在单元测试文件本身中。

I was thinking to save it to file and then load from it, but I can't fugure out where to put the file and do not break Django conventions about app structure. 我当时想将其保存到文件中,然后再从中加载,但是我无法弄清楚将文件放置在哪里,也不会违反有关应用程序结构的Django约定。

Is there a "Django" or "pythonic" way to mock this XML? 是否有模拟这种XML的“ Django”或“ pythonic”方式?

I usually create a fixtures folder (which you can configure within your Django settings file). 我通常会创建一个夹具文件夹(您可以在Django设置文件中进行配置)。 This is usually used for json fixtures, but it is perfectly ok to add XML files there as well. 这通常用于json固定装置,但是也可以在其中添加XML文件。 You can load and read those XML files through the setUp method that unittest provides ( https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html#module-unittest ). 您可以通过unittest提供的setUp方法( https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html#module-unittest )加载和读取这些XML文件。 Then just use it as you would within your project. 然后,就像在项目中一样使用它即可。 A quick example: 一个简单的例子:

import os
from django.test import TestCase
from django.conf import settings
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# Configure your XML_FILE_DIR inside your settings, this can be the
# same dir as the FIXTURE_DIR that Django uses for testing.
XML_FILE_DIR = getattr(settings, 'XML_FILE_DIR')

class MyExampleTestCase(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        Load the xml files and pass them to the parser.
        test_file = os.path.join(XML_FILE_DIR, 'my-test.xml')
        if os.path.isfile(test_file):
            # Through this now you can reffer to the parser through
            # self.parser.
            self.parser = ET.parse(test_file)
            # And of course assign the root as well.
            self.root = self.parser.getroot()

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