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[英]Telnet connection on localhost Refused

EDIT: 编辑:

I want to telnet into my web server on localhost , and request my php file from command line: 我想telnetlocalhost上的Web服务器,并从命令行请求php文件:

I have: 我有:

1) cd'd into the directory I want to serve, namely " /www " ( hello.php is here) 1)cd到我要服务的目录中,即“ /www ”( hello.php在此处)

2) run a server at directory www: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 2)在目录www上运行服务器: python -m SimpleHTTPServer

3) telnet localhost 80 3) telnet localhost 80

but "connection is refused". 但是“连接被拒绝”。 what am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

You're probably trying to connect to a wrong port. 您可能正在尝试连接到错误的端口。 Check with netstat -lntp which port is your http server listening on. 使用netstat -lntp检查哪个HTTP服务器正在监听。 The process will be listed as python/pid_number . 该过程将列为python/pid_number

If you're using Linux then try this: 如果您使用的是Linux,请尝试以下操作:

$ telnet localhost 80
GET /hello.php

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