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[英]Ctrl+Click on link that renders partial view

I got a link that renders partial view using AJAX.我得到了一个使用 AJAX 呈现局部视图的链接。

Here is my link code:这是我的链接代码:

<a href="#" onclick="LoadChildCategories(@i.CategoryId,  

And here is LoadChildCategories function code:这是 LoadChildCategories 函数代码:

function LoadChildCategories(id, isTrading) {
    var link;
    if (isTrading === false) {
        link = '@Html.Raw(@Url.Action("NonTradingCategories", "Home",  
                 new {categoryId = -1}))';
    } else {
        link = '@Html.Raw(@Url.Action("ModelList", "Home", new {categoryId = -1}))';
    link = link.replace("-1", id);

        url: link,
        method: 'GET',
        success: function(data) {

When I click it without CTRL it's ok, partial view renders into my div.当我在没有 CTRL 的情况下单击它时,部分视图会呈现到我的 div 中。 But when I click it with CTRL partial view renders into current tab and then another tab opens at Index page.但是当我用 CTRL 键单击它时,局部视图会呈现到当前选项卡中,然后在索引页面打开另一个选项卡。

And when I rightclick on link and select to open it in another tab then nothing happens at current tab and new tab opens at Index page.当我右键单击链接并选择在另一个选项卡中打开它时,当前选项卡没有任何反应,新选项卡在索引页面打开。

So, is there any ways to handle that?那么,有什么办法可以处理吗?

I found pretty nice solution, so I modified project according to this solution: Make an MVC Application into a SPA with AJAX and History.js我找到了很好的解决方案,所以我根据这个解决方案修改了项目: Make an MVC Application into a SPA with AJAX and History.js

1) Make controller methods return View, not PartialView and add one line of code than will check is it an AJAX request: 1) 使控制器方法返回 View,而不是 PartialView 并添加一行代码来检查它是否是 AJAX 请求:

public ViewResult Category(int id)
    ViewBag.IsAjaxRequest = Request.IsAjaxRequest();
    var node = CategoriesHandler.Instance.First(x => x.CategoryId == id);
    var childCategories = CategoriesHandler.Instance.Where(x => x.ParentId == node.Id).ToList();
    ViewBag.Message = node.Name;
    return View(childCategories);

2) Edit _ViewStart.cshtml like that: 2) 像这样编辑 _ViewStart.cshtml:

    Layout = ViewContext.ViewBag.IsAjaxRequest == true ? null : "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

3) Prepare links to be managed via AJAX: 3) 准备要通过 AJAX 管理的链接:

<a href="@Url.Action("Category", "Intech", new { id = i.CategoryId })" class="ajaxLink" data-href="@Url.Action("Category", "Intech", new { id = i.CategoryId })" data-title="@i.Name">@i.Name</a>

4) Create container for views at _Layout.cshtml 4) 在 _Layout.cshtml 为视图创建容器

@/*Some layout stuff*/
<div id="bodyContent">
@/*Other layout stuff*/

5) Prepare helper javascript file like that: 5)准备这样的助手javascript文件:

$(function () {

var contentShell = $('#bodyContent');

var History = window.History, State = History.getState();

$(".ajaxLink").on('click', function (e) {
    var url = $(this).data('href');
    var title = $(this).data('title');
    History.pushState(null, title, url);

function navigateToURL(url) {
    $('#bodyContent').html('<div class="loader"> </div>');
        type: "GET",
        url: url,
        dataType: "html",
        cache: false,
        success: function (data, status, xhr) {
        error: function (xhr, status, error) {

History.Adapter.bind(window, 'statechange', function () {
    State = History.getState();
    if (State.url === '') {

6) Do not forget to include your javascript files into the bundle! 6) 不要忘记将您的 javascript 文件包含在包中!

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