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[英]Display text based on a selected option in Rails app

The option to select the country is through 选择国家的选项是通过

<%= f.select :country_id, options_for_select(Country.all.order(:name).map{ |c| [t(c.code2.to_sym, :scope => :countries), c.id] }, selected: @customer.try(:country).try(:id)), wrapper_html: {:class=>'form-control', id:"country_name"} %>

And I have a text field to enter the country telephone code through this 我有一个文本字段可通过此字段输入国家/地区电话代码

<%= f.text_field :phone_country, :class=>"form-control", wrapper_html: {id: "telephone_code"} %>

I want the telephone code to be entered automatically based on the country selected in the previous option. 我希望根据上一个选项中选择的国家/地区自动输入电话代码。 I have the country codes in the database and I also understand I have to use jQuery function, but couldn't get further. 我在数据库中有国家/地区代码,而且我也明白我必须使用jQuery函数,但无法继续使用。 Thanks. 谢谢。

$(".country_id").on('change', function(){

The above function will be called when we change value of dropdown. 当我们更改下拉列表的值时,将调用上述函数。

<%= f.select :country_id, options_for_select(Country.all.order(:name).map{ |c| [t(c.code2.to_sym, :scope => :countries), c.id] }, selected: @customer.try(:country).try(:id)), wrapper_html: {:class=>'form-control country_id', id:"country_name"} %>

<%= f.text_field :phone_country, :class=>"form-control phone_country", wrapper_html: {id: "telephone_code"} %>

Update: I tried to do a Ajax request with the following code. 更新:我尝试使用以下代码进行Ajax请求。 But still couldn't figure out how to insert data based on the drop-down. 但是仍然无法根据下拉列表确定如何插入数据。

  $('.country-id').on 'change', (e) ->
      type: 'GET'
      url: '/new'
      data: 'country-id'
      success: (data) ->
        alert data

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