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[英]Getting error while deploying maven project

While deploying, I am getting this error using this command: 部署时,我使用以下命令得到此错误:

mvn clean package install liferay:deploy -U -DskipTests mvn clean package install liferay:deploy -U -DskipTests

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) on project basic-details-nok-form-portlet: Failed to install metadata us.nok.mic.hrm.portal.po
rtlet:basic-details-nok-form-portlet/maven-metadata.xml: Could not parse metadata C:\Users\NOKIA_ADMIN\.m2\repository\us\nok\mic\hrm\portal\portlet\basic-details-nok-form-portlet\maven-metadata-local.xml:
 only whitespace content allowed before start tag and not \u0 (position: START_DOCUMENT seen \u0... @1:1) -> [Help 1]

Check the pom.xml file in editor that allows showing enhanced view (or just in hex). 在编辑器中检查pom.xml文件,该文件允许显示增强的视图(或仅以十六进制显示)。 There should be a character at the very beginning that isn't visible under normal circumstances. 一开始应该有一个正常情况下不可见的字符。 Or you could just try to cut out a line or two and rewrite it manually, I'm not sure if it will actually get rid of said character, so it's probably better to stick to the first method. 或者,您也可以尝试剪掉一两行并手动重写它,我不确定它是否会真正摆脱所说的字符,因此最好还是坚持第一种方法。

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