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SQL Azure连续部署?

[英]SQL Azure Continuous Deployment?

I have a SQL Server hosting a database, running in an Amazon AWS EC2 instance, with 900gb (not using RDS) of data. 我有一个托管数据库的SQL Server,该数据库运行在Amazon AWS EC2实例中,具有900gb(不使用RDS)数据。 Continuous deployments involve console apps doing API calls to replicate the AMIs of the instance and associated EBS volumes, pushing MSIs to run unattended changes. 连续部署涉及控制台应用程序执行API调用以复制实例的AMI和关联的EBS卷,从而推动MSI运行无人值守的更改。 If deployment and tests are successful, clients are pointed to the new database. 如果部署和测试成功,则将客户端指向新数据库。 This gives ability to know how changes will affect the real row content. 这样就可以知道更改将如何影响实际的行内容。 Ops staff do deployments, developers have no hand in production-region management tasks. 运维人员进行部署,开发人员无需执行生产区域管理任务。 Visual Studio is not used. 不使用Visual Studio。

How would something similar be done with SQL-Azure? 使用SQL-Azure怎么做类似的事情? From an abstract level, the solution needed is a way to fully copy a complete database configuration as well as all schemata with content. 从抽象的角度来看,所需的解决方案是一种完全复制完整数据库配置以及所有包含内容的架构的方法。 The content size is not insignificant so SO questions/answers I have seen so far involving SQL Migrations and etc don't necessarily apply. 内容大小并不重要,因此到目前为止,我所看到的涉及SQL迁移等的SO问题/答案不一定适用。

All ideas appreciated. 所有想法表示赞赏。 Thanks! 谢谢!

I'd be happy to help. 我很乐意提供帮助。 I would direct you to Azure VMs with SQL Server rather than Azure SQL Database (SQL Azure is the older name). 我将您定向到具有SQL Server而不是Azure SQL数据库的Azure VM(SQL Azure是旧名称)。

Thanks Guy 谢了,兄弟们

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