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[英]WSO2 - Tenant based logging

How do we ensure tenant based logging in WSO2? 我们如何确保WSO2中基于租户的日志记录? We do not want logs from different customers getting mingled. 我们不希望混杂来自不同客户的日志。 Essentially, what we are looking for is completely different directories for each tenant's logs. 本质上,我们正在寻找的是每个租户日志完全不同的目录。 I have read a fair bit of documentation for the same and there does not seem to be an out of the box solution. 我已经阅读了很多相同的文档,并且似乎没有开箱即用的解决方案。
Any tips is appreciated. 任何提示表示赞赏。

The logs are separate in memory, so you may login to the carbon console as a tenant admin and check Monitor -> System Logs to see the logs dedicated to that specific tenant. 日志在内存中是分开的,因此您可以以租户管理员的身份登录Carbon控制台,然后选中Monitor-> System Logs以查看专用于该特定租户的日志。

However, there is no OOTB solution to dividing the text based logs by tenant. 但是,没有OOTB解决方案可将基于文本的日志按租户划分。

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