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[英]Write into Settings bundle in Swift

I have created an app with settings bundle in it and the app configuration can be changed. 我创建了一个带有设置捆绑包的应用程序,可以更改该应用程序的配置。 Reading from Settings bundle is done. 从“设置”捆绑中读取完成。 I am using below code. 我正在使用下面的代码。

    let defs: NSUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()

    var settingsBundle: NSString = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("Settings", ofType: "bundle")!
        NSLog("Could not find Settings.bundle");
    var settings: NSDictionary = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: settingsBundle.stringByAppendingPathComponent("Root.plist"))!
    var preferences: NSArray = settings.objectForKey("PreferenceSpecifiers") as! NSArray
    var defaultsToRegister: NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary(capacity: preferences.count)

    for prefSpecification in preferences {
        if (prefSpecification.objectForKey("Key") != nil) {
            let key: NSString = prefSpecification.objectForKey("Key")! as! NSString
            if !key.containsString("") {
                let currentObject: AnyObject? = defs.objectForKey(key as! String)
                if currentObject == nil {
                    // not readable: set value from Settings.bundle
                    let objectToSet: AnyObject? = prefSpecification.objectForKey("DefaultValue")

                    var objectKey : String = key as! String
                    var finalObject : String = objectToSet as! String

                    defaultsToRegister.setObject(finalObject, forKey: objectKey)
                    //already readable: don't touch
                    var objectKey : String = key as! String
                    var finalObject : String = currentObject as! String

                    defaultsToRegister.setObject(finalObject, forKey: objectKey)
    defs.registerDefaults(defaultsToRegister as [NSObject : AnyObject])

The same settings can be updated the app itself. 相同的设置可以更新应用程序本身。 But how I can write the updated values into the Settings bundle? 但是,如何将更新的值写入“设置”捆绑包中? In this link , the accepted answer says it is possible using NSUserDefaults . 在此链接中 ,可接受的答案表示可以使用NSUserDefaults But I couldn't, someonce can please help? 但是我不能,有人可以帮忙吗?

EDIT Please check below for more info: 编辑请检查下面的更多信息:

PreferenceSpecifiers =     (
        Title = Group;
        Type = PSGroupSpecifier;
        DefaultValue = Test1;
        Key = "multi_values";
        Title = "Multiple Values";
        Titles =             (
        Type = PSMultiValueSpecifier;
        Values =             (
StringsTable = Root;

} }

I am having a Settings bundle like above format and I am able to read it in the app. 我有一个像以上格式一样的设置包,可以在应用程序中阅读它。 But how can I update this multi values selection as per I make the changes in the app? 但是,如何根据我在应用程序中所做的更改来更新此多值选择? I used the following code to update the Title value. 我使用以下代码更新了Title值。

     var settings: NSDictionary = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: settingsBundle.stringByAppendingPathComponent("Root.plist"))!
    var preferences: NSArray = settings.objectForKey("PreferenceSpecifiers") as! NSArray

    preferences.objectAtIndex(1).setValue("MutipleValue is updated", forKey: "Title")

    settings.setValue(preferences, forKey: "PreferenceSpecifiers")

    settings.writeToFile(settingsBundle.stringByAppendingPathComponent("Root.plist"), atomically: false)

In link that you provided has answer to your question 您提供的链接中有您问题的答案

Note that you shouldn't read from the settings bundle directly, as it makes no sense . 请注意,您不应直接从设置包中读取内容,因为这没有任何意义 You should always fetch and set user defaults using NSUserDefaults . 您应该始终使用NSUserDefaults获取并设置用户默认值 When the user makes a change in the settings application, NSUserDefaults will reflect this automatically. 当用户在设置应用程序中进行更改时,NSUserDefaults将自动反映出来。 They will always be kept in sync. 它们将始终保持同步。

When you create a new item in settings.bundle , you should set it identifier . settings.bundle创建新项目时,应设置其identifier

After that, you can get required value with NSUserDefaults by following way: 之后,您可以通过以下方式使用NSUserDefaults获得所需的值:

if let export_enabled = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().valueForKey("export_enabled") as? Bool
    if let export_interval = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().valueForKey("export_interval") as? Number
        // ...

And change: 并更改:

NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setValue(true, forKey: "export_enabled")

Update 更新

iOS application on device has the following structure: 设备上的iOS应用程序具有以下结构:

    com.company.apptitle.plist (read/write)
    settings.bundle (readonly)

Settings.bundle intended for forming configuration hierarchy in the default Settings.app . Settings.bundle打算在默认成形结构层次Settings.app It contains titles of sections and settings types, but settings values are stored in com.company.apptitle.plist . 它包含部分标题和设置类型,但是设置值存储在com.company.apptitle.plist

Because settings.bundle is read-only, you cannot change its structure or section titles. 因为settings.bundle是只读的,所以您不能更改其结构或部分标题。 You can only change settings values and this change occurs in com.company.apptitle.plist via NSUserDefaults . 您只能更改设置值,并且此更改通过NSUserDefaultscom.company.apptitle.plist进行。

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