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[英]querying Atom namespace using Linq

here is my sample xml file: 这是我的示例xml文件:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
            <title>Title goes here</title>
                <title>Adhocs Source - Adhocs Section</title>
            <link rel="alternate" href="http://www.example.com/" />
            <summary>sample desc goes here...</summary>
             url="http://mscrmblog.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/iframe-loading.png"  />

when i am trying to read this using c# Linq to XML query using below code: 当我尝试使用c#Linq使用以下代码读取此XML查询时:

XElement _atom = XElement.Load(atom);
XNamespace nsMedia = "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/";
XNamespace nsAtom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom";

var temp = (from item in _atom.Descendants(nsAtom + "entry")
                        select new FinalListToBeDisplayed()
                            Title = item.Element(nsAtom + "title") == null ? "" : item.Element(nsAtom + "title").Value,
                            Description = item.Element(nsAtom + "summary") == null ? "" : item.Element(nsAtom + "summary").Value,
                            PublishedDate = item.Element(nsAtom + "published") == null ? "" : item.Element(nsAtom + "published").Value,
                            Link = item.Element(nsAtom + "link") == null ? "" : item.Element(nsAtom + "link").Attribute("href") == null ? "" : item.Element(nsAtom + "link").Attribute("href").Value,
                            Image = item.Element(nsMedia + "thumbnail") == null ? "" : item.Element(nsMedia + "thumbnail").Attribute(nsAtom + "url") != null ? item.Element(nsMedia + "thumbnail").Attribute(nsAtom + "url").Value : ""


Image is not capturing at any moment, ie the above code is not able to read thumbnails . 随时都无法捕获图像,即上述代码无法读取缩略图。 Please help me to understand the issue in the above code. 请帮助我了解以上代码中的问题。

Try this 尝试这个

XElement _atom = XElement.Load(atom);
        XNamespace nsMedia = "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/";
        XNamespace nsAtom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom";

        var temp = (from item in _atom.Descendants(nsAtom + "entry")
                    select new 
                        Title = item.Element(nsAtom + "title") == null ? "" : item.Element(nsAtom + "title").Value,
                        Description = item.Element(nsAtom + "summary") == null ? "" : item.Element(nsAtom + "summary").Value,
                        PublishedDate = item.Element(nsAtom + "published") == null ? "" : item.Element(nsAtom + "published").Value,
                        Link = item.Element(nsAtom + "link") == null ? "" : item.Element(nsAtom + "link").Attribute("href") == null ? "" : item.Element(nsAtom + "link").Attribute("href").Value,
                        Image = item.Element(nsMedia + "thumbnail") == null ? "" : item.Element(nsMedia + "thumbnail").Attribute("url") != null ? item.Element(nsMedia + "thumbnail").Attribute("url").Value : ""                           


The issue is the attribute name for url . 问题是url的属性名称。 url does not have a namespace, but you are including the http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom namespace as part of the name. url没有名称空间,但是您将http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom名称空间作为名称的一部分。 Remove this and use url and it will work. 删除它并使用url ,它将起作用。

I'd also comment that you can use the methods that return a sequence combined with the explicit conversions built into XElement and XAttribute to avoid your null checks. 我还要评论一下,您可以使用返回序列的方法以及XElementXAttribute内置的显式转换来避免空检查。 This achieves the same result but is a lot cleaner: 这样可以达到相同的结果,但是更加干净:

Title = (string)item.Element(nsAtom + "title") ?? "",

Description = (string)item.Element(nsAtom + "summary") ?? "",

PublishedDate = (string)item.Element(nsAtom + "published") ?? "",

Link = (string)item.Elements(nsAtom + "link")
    .SingleOrDefault() ?? "",

Image = (string)item.Elements(nsMedia + "thumbnail")
    .SingleOrDefault() ?? ""

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