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[英]Underscore error when running karma + jasmine test

I'm new with frontend code testing. 我是前端代码测试的新手。 I have a strange error when running karma + jasmine tests over my js MarionetteJs app. 在我的js MarionetteJs应用程序上运行业力+茉莉花测试时出现一个奇怪的错误。 I think it might be because underscore templates are not loaded yet when I'm defining my Marionette views. 我认为这可能是因为在定义Marionette视图时,尚未加载下划线模板。

My karma.conf.js: 我的karma.conf.js:

'use strict';

module.exports = function (config) {
        basePath: '',
        frameworks: ['browserify', 'jasmine-ajax', 'jasmine-jquery', 'jasmine'],
        exclude: ["*.jst"],
        logLevel: 'LOG_DEBUG',
        reporters: ['progress'],
        preprocessors: {
            'tests/unit/**/test_*.js': ['browserify']
        colors: true,
        browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
        singleRun: true,
        autoWatch: false,
        plugins: [
        browserify: {
            debug: true,
            transform: [
        files: [

This is just a dummy test that I'm trying to run: 这只是我要运行的虚拟测试:

'use strict';

var CompanyListView = require('../../company_list.js');

$(function () {
    describe("A page", function () {
        it("contains login form", function () {            

Error happens during requiring company_list.js file: 要求company_list.js文件期间发生错误:

PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Linux 0.0.0) ERROR
  TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'text.replace')
  at /tmp/082eb28c15575edda85ae0f9ce2019a6.browserify:17883:0 <- node_modules/underscore/underscore.js:1431:0

company_list.js: company_list.js:

var $ = require('jquery');
var _ = require('underscore');
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var Marionette = require('backbone.marionette');

var tplCompany = require('../templates/company_list.jst');

module.exports = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
    template: _.template(tplCompany, {variable: 'data'}),

What I'm doing wrong? 我做错了什么?

Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

The solution was in karma.conf.js: 解决方案在karma.conf.js中:

transform: [

Must be: 一定是:

transform: [
    ['stringify', {extensions: ['.html', '.jst'], minify: false}],

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