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[英]In a mobile app on BlueMix, how the users can be easily grouped (authorization)

I am building a mobile app based on the BlueList example on Bluemix. 我正在基于Bluemix上的BlueList示例构建移动应用程序。 I need to add a feature that the login users can be grouped and only users within certain groups get the notification. 我需要添加一个功能,可以对登录用户进行分组,并且只有某些组中的用户才能收到通知。 Like a chatroom app. 就像聊天室应用一样。 What is an easy to use BlueMix services to help to implement this? 有什么易于使用的BlueMix服务来帮助实现这一点? Thanks a lot for your help. 非常感谢你的帮助。 Zheng

Sounds like you need to create some tags for user subscriptions. 听起来您需要为用户订阅创建一些标签。 You do not need to implement any kind of further authorization to enable what you are trying to do. 您无需实施任何进一步的授权即可启用您要尝试执行的操作。

Simply create a tag in your push application and name it whatever you'd like. 只需在推送应用程序中创建标签,然后根据需要命名即可。 You can do this through the Push Dashboard or through the REST API. 您可以通过Push Dashboard或REST API来执行此操作。 Once a tag is created you can subscribe individual users to that tag. 创建标签后,您可以为单个用户订阅该标签。 Then you'll be able to send out a push notification to that tag and only users subscribed to that tag will get the notification. 然后,您将能够向该标签发送推送通知,只有订阅该标签的用户才能收到通知。

If you are using the IBM Push Notifications service check out these docs: 如果您使用的是IBM Push Notifications服务,请查看以下文档:

https://www.ng.bluemix.net/docs/services/mobilepush/using_tags.html https://www.ng.bluemix.net/docs/services/mobilepush/using_tags.html

If using the Push service (deprecated): 如果使用推送服务(不建议使用):

http://mbaas-gettingstarted.ng.bluemix.net/android#subscriptions http://mbaas-gettingstarted.ng.bluemix.net/android#subscriptions

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