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S3 存储桶/AWS 账户的所有者*名称*来自哪里?

[英]Where does the owner *name* for an S3 bucket/AWS account come from?

This feels like it should be really obvious, but I can't find any clues.这感觉应该是很明显了,但是我找不到任何线索。 I've just started using S3 on AWS.我刚刚开始在 AWS 上使用 S3。 I set up a new free account linked with my Amazon account.我设置了一个与我的亚马逊账户相关联的新免费账户。 When I create a bucket, the name of the owner of the bucket is different from my IAM name, from my AWS account name, and from my Amazon account name.当我创建存储桶时,存储桶所有者的名称不同于我的 IAM 名称、我的 AWS 账户名称和我的 Amazon 账户名称。 Where does that owner name come from?所有者名称从何而来? How can I change/edit it?我该如何更改/编辑它?

S3 actually uses AWS root account user's forum account's nickname in the Owner and Grantee fields. S3 实际上在 Owner 和 Grantee 字段中使用 AWS 根账户用户的论坛账户的昵称。 There is a discussion about this here .有一个关于这个的讨论在这里

You can change the forum nickname, in order to change what is displayed in S3, here .您可以在此处更改论坛昵称,以更改 S3 中显示的内容。

AWS is stupid here. AWS 在这方面很愚蠢。 According to AWS support, it is your root account's forum account's initial nickname.根据 AWS 支持,它是您的根帐户的论坛帐户的初始昵称。 However it is there forever, even later you change your forum account's nickname.但是它永远存在,即使以后您更改了论坛帐户的昵称。 AWS is not able to change it. AWS 无法更改它。

As of 01/02/2023, the display name of S3 bucket owner seems to be the email address name of the root user.截至 01/02/2023,S3 bucket owner 的显示名称似乎是 root 用户的地址名称 email。

For example, if the root user has the account email address "abcde@xxxxx.com", the display name of the S3 bucket owner will be "abcde".例如,如果 root 用户拥有帐户 email 地址“abcde@xxxxx.com”,则 S3 存储桶所有者的显示名称将为“abcde”。


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