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[英]Sharepoint refine results control only uses the current pages values

I have a SharePoint refine search results control on my people search results page. 我的人员搜索结果页面上有一个SharePoint优化搜索结果控件 Paging is on for the search results. 分页功能已启用。 The control only refines the current pages results. 该控件仅优化当前页面的结果。

How do I change this behaviour so that despite the core results being paged, the refine results works on all results? 如何更改此行为,以便尽管分页了核心结果,但优化结果仍可用于所有结果?

Unfortunately it can't be done. 不幸的是,这无法完成。 Sorting and refining only work on the results returned for the page, as defined in the Search Core Results Web Part XSLT. 按照搜索核心结果Web部件XSLT中的定义,仅对返回的页面结果进行排序和优化。 It's a real shame, too. 这也真是可耻。 But if you never get back more than 50 hits and you have max items set to 50, you'll get what you want. 但是,如果您从未获得超过50次点击,并且最大项目数设置为50,那么您将获得想要的东西。 :-) :-)

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