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[英]Variadic member function of template class

I'm facing an issue where I'm trying to create a variadic member function with paramater pack of a specific type. 我正面临一个问题,我正在尝试使用特定类型的参数包创建一个可变成员函数。

template <typename T>
struct A
    using result_type = T;

    T operator()(T a, T b)
        return a+b;   

template <typename Functor>
struct B
    using T = typename Functor::result_type;

    T operator()(Functor &&f, T... args)
        return f(args...);

It is expected to work like: 它应该像以下一样工作:

A<int> a;
B<A<int>> b;

int result = b(a, 2, 3); // should return 5

However I get the following errors: 但是我收到以下错误:

error: type 'T' (aka 'typename Functor::result_type') of function parameter pack does not contain any unexpanded parameter packs
        T operator()(Functor &&f, T... args)

error: pack expansion does not contain any unexpanded parameter packs
            return f(args...);

What would be the proper way to achieve the expected functionality? 实现预期功能的正确方法是什么?

A parameter pack can be used only if function is a function template. 仅当函数是函数模板时,才能使用参数包。

From http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/parameter_pack : 来自http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/parameter_pack

A template parameter pack is a template parameter that accepts zero or more template arguments (non-types, types, or templates). 模板参数包是一个模板参数,它接受零个或多个模板参数(非类型,类型或模板)。 A function parameter pack is a function parameter that accepts zero or more function arguments. 函数参数包是一个函数参数,它接受零个或多个函数参数。

A template with at least one parameter pack is called a variadic template. 具有至少一个参数包的模板称为可变参数模板。

 template <typename ... Args>
 T operator()(Functor&& f, Args... args)
     return f(args...);

Also, use of && in the above function makes sense only if it is a template parameter. 另外,只有在模板参数中,在上述函数中使用&&才有意义。 When you use && on the argument without the type being a template parameter, you cannot use: 如果在参数上使用&&而类型不是模板参数,则不能使用:

 A<int> a;
 B<A<int>> b;
 int r = b(a, 2, 3);

You may, however, use 但是,您可以使用

int r = b(std::move(a), 2, 3);

Make your pick. 随便挑选。 Keep the argument type as is and use std::move(a) or change the function to use a simple reference 保持参数类型不变并使用std::move(a)或更改函数以使用简单引用

 template <typename ... Args>
 T operator()(Functor& f, Args... args)
     return f(args...);

and use 并使用

 int r = b(a, 2, 3);

Update 更新

You can use a helper class to make sure that all the arguments are of the right type. 您可以使用帮助程序类来确保所有参数都是正确的类型。

template<typename ... Args> struct IsSame : public std::false_type {};

template<typename T> struct IsSame<T> : public std::true_type {};

template<typename T, typename ... Args> struct IsSame<T, T, Args...> : public std::true_type
   static const bool value = IsSame<T, Args ...>::value;

and use: 并使用:

template <typename ... Args>
T operator()(Functor&& f, Args... args)
   static_assert(IsSame<T, Args...>::value, "Invalid argument type");
   return f(args...);

With that, 接着就,随即,

A<int> a;
B<A<int>> b;
int r = b(std::move(a), 2, 3);

still works but 仍然有效

r = b(std::move(a), 2, 3.0);

fails. 失败。

I don't know whether being that strict with the argument types is called for in your case. 在你的情况下,我不知道对参数类型是否严格要求。 You have a way if you need to. 如果需要,你有办法。

One idea is to use a std::initializer_list instead, which will force the same type (of course you can probably get around this with a variadic template and some clever use of std::is_same to enforce the same type for all params of the variadic template): 一个想法是使用std::initializer_list ,它将强制使用相同的类型(当然,您可以使用可变参数模板和一些巧妙使用std::is_same来强制执行相同类型的所有params可变参数模板):

#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
struct A
    using result_type = T;

    T operator()(std::initializer_list<result_type> const& li)
        return std::accumulate(std::begin(li), std::end(li), 0.);

template <typename Functor>
struct B
    using T = typename Functor::result_type;

    T operator()(Functor &&f, std::initializer_list<T> args)
        return f(args);

int main()
    A<int> functor;
    B<decltype(functor)> test;
    std::cout << test(std::move(functor), {1, 2, 3}); // displays 6

Live on Coliru 住在Coliru

Can do some SFINAE tricks like : 可以做一些SFINAE技巧,如:

struct Foo {};
template<class T, class...>
struct all_same : std::true_type

template<class T, class U, class... SS>
struct all_same<T, U, SS...>
    : std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_same<T,U>{} && all_same<T, SS...>{}>

Then, 然后,

template <typename Functor>
struct B
    using T = typename Functor::result_type;

    template<typename ...Args>
    T operator()(Functor&& f, Args... args)
        static_assert(all_same<T, Args...>{}, "all not same types");
        return f(args...);

Demo Here Here演示

You should use an argument pack. 你应该使用一个参数包。 Also, why do you try to pass a rvalue reference? 另外,为什么要尝试传递右值参考?

template <typename Functor>
struct B
    using T = typename Functor::result_type;

    template<typename ...Args>
    T operator()(Functor f, Args... args)
        return f(args...);

Edit: If you want to verify that all the arguments are of type T, you can declare a verifying struct: 编辑:如果要验证所有参数都是T类型,可以声明一个验证结构:

template <typename T, typename ...Pack>
struct verify_params {};

template <typename T>
struct verify_params<T> {
    using val=void;

template <typename T, typename ...Pack>
struct verify_params<T,T,Pack...> {
    using val=typename verify_params<T,Pack...>::val;

And then, you can add a line like (typename verify_params<T,Args...>::val)0; 然后,您可以添加一行(typename verify_params<T,Args...>::val)0; to your function. 你的功能。

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