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将SSL证书上载到IAM for Cloudfront

[英]Uploading SSL Certificate to IAM for Cloudfront

There's tons of Cloudfront questions out there, however the Googling for possible problems still amazes me. 那里有大量的Cloudfront问题,但是Google搜索可能出现的问题仍然令我感到惊讶。 Here's mine... 这是我的...

What I'm currently attempting right now is to upload an SSL cert to IAM so I can use a custom domain name for Cloudfront (eg https://assets.mydomain.com ). 我目前正在尝试将SSL证书上传到IAM,以便可以为Cloudfront使用自定义域名(例如https://assets.mydomain.com )。 This, however, isn't going so well. 但是,进展并不顺利。 The certs were purchased from DNSimple. 证书是从DNSimple购买的。 The AWS cli upload is as so: AWS cli上传是这样的:

aws iam upload-server-certificate \
  --server-certificate-name MyDomainProduction \
  --path /cloudfront/ \
  --certificate-body file://~/Downloads/STAR_mydomain_com/STAR_mydomain_com.crt \
  --private-key file://~/Downloads/STAR_mydomain_com.key \
  --certificate-chain file://~/Downloads/STAR_mydomain_com.pem

The error: 错误:

A client error (MalformedCertificate) occurred when calling the
UploadServerCertificate operation: Unable to validate certificate
chain. The certificate chain must start with the immediate signing
certificate, followed by any intermediaries in order. The index within
the chain of the invalid certificate is: 1

I think I've tried 500 different possibilities and I'm out of ideas as to why I can't get things to work. 我想我已经尝试了500种不同的可能性,但是我对为什么无法使事情正常工作的想法不多。 Here's what I got in my toolbox for what DNSimple and Comodo handed back to me: 这是我在工具箱中获得的DNSimple和Comodo退还给我的内容:

  • STAR_mydomain_com.pem
  • STAR_mydomain_com.key
  • STAR_mydomain_com/AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt
  • STAR_mydomain_com/COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt
  • STAR_mydomain_com/COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt
  • STAR_mydomain_com/STAR_mydomain_com.crt

What's the right combination of crts, pem, and key to get SSL working on Cloudfront? crt,pem和密钥的正确组合是什么,才能使SSL在Cloudfront上运行?

You're almost done. 你几乎完成。 The error is that you are using the wrong intermediate certificate file. 错误是您使用了错误的中间证书文件。 You should use the bundle that only includes the chain, without the primary certificate. 您应该使用仅包含链的捆绑包,而不使用主证书。

In other words, from the DNSimple installation wizard, select Other and download the files (1), (2) and (4). 换句话说,从DNSimple安装向导中,选择“ 其他”并下载文件(1),(2)和(4)。 You downloaded (3) instead of (4). 您下载了(3)而不是(4)。

The main difference is that (3) is (4) + (1). 主要区别在于(3)是(4)+(1)。 But as you are already passing (1) explicitly using the --certificate-body param, Cloudfront only wants the chain without the primary. 但是,由于您已经使用--certificate-body参数显式传递了(1),因此Cloudfront只需要没有主链的链。


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