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[英]Unit test to verify that variable has been changed

I'm creating a series of unit tests for an EJB application which uses JPA for the database persistence layer. 我正在为EJB应用程序创建一系列单元测试,它将JPA用于数据库持久层。 As these are unit tests I'm treating the EJB beans as POJOs and using Mockito to mock the EntityManager calls. 由于这些是单元测试,我将EJB bean视为POJO并使用Mockito来模拟EntityManager调用。

The issue I've encountered is that one of the methods in my class under test changes a value in the entity before calling the EntityManager merge(...) method to save the entity, but I can't see how the unit test is able to check whether the method being tested did actually change the value. 我遇到的问题是我的测试类中的一个方法在调用EntityManager merge(...)方法之前更改了实体中的值以保存实体,但我看不出单元测试是如何进行的能够检查被测试的方法是否确实改变了该值。

Whilst I could add another when(...) method so that the merge(...) method returns an instance of the entity with the modified value, I don't think this would be of any benefit as it wouldn't actually test that the class under test had modified the value and would defeat the purpose of the test. 虽然我可以添加另一个when(...)方法,以便merge(...)方法返回具有修改值的实体的实例,但我认为这没有任何好处,因为它实际上不会测试被测试的类已经修改了值并且会破坏测试的目的。

The method in my class under test is as follows: 我班的测试方法如下:

public void discontinueWidget(String widgetId) {
    Widget widget = em.find(Widget.class, widgetId);
    //Code that checks whether the widget exists has been omitted for simplicity

The code in my unit test is as follows: 单元测试中的代码如下:

private EntityManager em;

private WidgetService classUnderTest;

public void discontinueWidget() {
    Widget testWidget = new Widget();
    when(em.find(Widget.class, "foo")).thenReturn(testWidget);


    //something needed here to check whether testWidget was set to discontinued

    //this checks the merge method was called but not whether the
    //discontinued value has been set to true
    verify(em).merge(testWidget ); 

As the Widget class isn't being mocked I can't call something along the lines of verify(testWidget).setDiscontinued(true); 由于Widget类没有被verify(testWidget).setDiscontinued(true);我无法调用verify(testWidget).setDiscontinued(true);verify(testWidget).setDiscontinued(true);

My question is how can I check whether the discontinueWidget(...) method in the class under test has actually set the discontinued variable in the Widget class to true ? 我的问题是如何检查被测试类中的discontinueWidget(...)方法是否实际上将Widget类中的discontinued变量设置为true

I'm using JUnit version 4.12 and Mockito version 1.10.19. 我正在使用JUnit版本4.12和Mockito版本1.10.19。

You can declare the Widget in your test as being a mock also, and verify on it. 您可以将测试中的Widget声明为模拟,并对其进行验证。

Widget testWidget = mock(Widget.class);
when(em.find(Widget.class, "foo")).thenReturn(testWidget);


//something needed here to check whether testWidget was set to discontinued

//this checks the merge method was called but not whether the
//discontinued value has been set to true
verify(em).merge(testWidget ); 

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