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[英]Sign Up Form Validation Problems

I'm fairly new to developing for the Web and I'm currently working on a Sign Up form for a website so a website could take in new users. 我刚开始开发Web,目前正在为网站开发“注册”表单,以便网站可以吸引新用户。 Making the form so far have been pretty painless with help from the big 'ol internet but I've run into a wall recently on how to validate certain information in my form before submitting for an actual database query. 到目前为止,在大型互联网的帮助下,制作表格一直很轻松,但是最近我遇到了如何在提交实际数据库查询之前如何验证表格中某些信息的麻烦。

So I have the following form: 所以我有以下形式:


And the input fields work as intended most of the way. 输入字段在大多数情况下均按预期工作。 They flash red if they are not filled out and ask for input: 如果未填写,它们会闪烁红色并要求输入:


Except for when it comes to the Email fields. 除了涉及“电子邮件”字段。 They need to be the same and not just valid emails as the website assumes right now. 它们需要相同,而不仅仅是网站现在假定的有效电子邮件。 So even if you have two completely different emails in those two fields, as long as they are valid emails it'll be accepted. 因此,即使您在这两个字段中有两封完全不同的电子邮件,只要它们是有效的电子邮件,也将被接受。

The following is the HTML behind the form: 以下是表单后面的HTML:

<!-- Container Start -->
<div id="container">
    <div id="container_body">
            <h2 class="form_title">Sign Up for a Collectors Account Here!</h2>
        <!-- Form Start -->
        <div id="form_name">
            <div class="FirstAndLastName">
                <form name="form">
                <div id="errorBox"></div>
                    <input type="text" required value="" name="Name" value="" placeholder="First Name" class="input_name">
                    <input type="text" required value="" name="LastName" value="" placeholder="Last Name" class="input_name">
                <div id="email_form">
                    <input type="email" required value="" name="Email" value="" placeholder="Your Email" class="input_email">
                <div id="Re_email_form">
                    <input type="email" required value="" name="enterEmail" value="" placeholder="Re-enter Email" class="input_Re_email">
                <div id="password_form">
                    <input type="password" required value="" name="Password" value="" placeholder="Your Password Here" class="input_password">
                        $(function() {
                                inline: true,
                                showOtherMonths: true,
                                dayNamesMin: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']
                    <h3 class="birthday_title">Birthday</h3>
                    <input type="text"  required value="" id="datepicker">
                <div id="radio_button">
                    <input type="radio" name="radiobutton" value="Female" checked="true">
                    <input type="radio" name="radiobutton" value="Male">
                    <input type="submit" value="Sign Up" onclick="Submit()">
        <!-- Form Ends -->
<!-- Container Ends -->

And here is the JavaScript I use: 这是我使用的JavaScript:

function Submit() {
    var myForm = document.forms[0];
    var MyFormElements = myForm.elements;
    for (var i in myFormElements) {
        var element = myFormElements[i];
        if (!element.willValidate) {
        element.addEventListener('invalid', function (e) {
            document.getElementById("errorBox").innerHTML = "Invalid Input Detected";
    if($('#Re_email_form').attr('value') != $('#email_form').attr('value')) {

So the question is, how do I make this form check if both email fields contain the exact same values and stops the submit process with an error message if they are not the exact same? 所以问题是,如果两个电子邮件字段都包含完全相同的值,并且如果它们不完全相同,我该如何检查该表单是否包含两个完全相同的值,并通过错误消息停止提交过程?

I have a second question as well which is slightly off topic: When you submit this form it seems that the password is stored as plain text even though it's done in a password field. 我还有第二个问题,这是一个与主题略有不同的问题:当您提交此表单时,即使密码字段中已完成密码似乎也以纯文本形式存储。 I realize that the website I'm working on will have a SHA-2 certificate to also accompany things like Facebook login (which makes that mandatory) but how would I get around this? 我意识到我正在工作的网站将拥有SHA-2证书,并且还可以伴随Facebook登录(这是强制性的)之类的事情,但是我将如何解决呢? Use an algorithm to encrypt it before trying to submit it as a new user in my database? 在尝试以新用户身份将其提交到数据库之前,使用算法对其进行加密吗?

Again, I'm fairly new at this, so I apologize for cringe-worthy code and practices in advance. 再说一次,我还很陌生,所以我对事先提供有价值的代码和实践表示歉意。 All of the help I can get is very much welcomed. 非常欢迎我能提供的所有帮助。

You should change your last if statement to this - 您应该将最后一个if语句更改为此-

if($('#Re_email_form').find('input').val() != $('#email_form').find('input').val()) {
    alert('Emails not matching!');
    return false; // cancels the submission process

Here is a version little better performance wise and in pure JS for clarity :D 这是一个更好的性能版本,为了清晰起见,使用纯JS:D

Here is the JSFiddle demo 这是JSFiddle演示

Screenshot: 截图:



    <link rel="stylesheet"href="index.css">
    <script src="index.js"></script>
        <input type="email" placeholder="email" name="email" spellcheck="false" autocomplete="off">
        <input type="email" placeholder="verify email" name="verify_email" spellcheck="false" autocomplete="off">
        <input type="password" placeholder="password" name="pass" onkeypress="keyListener(event,this);">
        <button type="button" onclick="auth(this);">Sign In</button>
    <mark id="form-msg"></mark>

//JS // JS

function auth(ele){
    var emails = new Array();
    var msg = document.getElementById("form-msg");
    var form = ele.parentNode.children;
    for(var i=0; i<form.length; i++){
        if(form[i].type === "email"){
    if(emails[0].value !== emails[1].value){
        msg.innerHTML = "Emails don't match";
        var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
        var data = new FormData();
        var form = ele.parentNode.children;
        for(var i=0; i<form.length; i++){
            if(form[i].type !== "button") {
                data.append(form[i].name, form[i].value);
        client.open("POST", "signin.php"); //your php page
        client.onreadystatechange = function(){
            if(client.readyState == 4){
                if(client.response = "success"){
                    msg.innerHTML = "success";
                        window.location = "http://facebook.com"; //redirect to account home page
                    }, 2000);
function keyListener(e,ele){
    if(e.keyCode === 13){

//CSS // CSS

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