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laravel 5.1 白屏错误;

[英]laravel 5.1 white screen error;

I am working on a project and i just completed some tasks;我正在做一个项目,我刚刚完成了一些任务; eventually we need to deploy it on ftp for test.最终我们需要将它部署在 ftp 上进行测试。 I am stuck right there when it shows only the blank page;当它只显示空白页时,我被困在那里; .htaccess file is working, index.php is also reachable; .htaccess 文件正在运行,index.php 也可以访问; it works up to line 50 of index.php:它适用于 index.php 的第 50 行:

$kernel = $app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class);
// upto this every thing is fine but

After this line echo command is not working means error is right there在这行 echo 命令不起作用之后意味着错误就在那里

$response = $kernel->handle(
    $request = Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()

$kernel->terminate($request, $response);

I set appropriate permission to folders storage and bootstrap;我为文件夹存储和引导程序设置了适当的权限; and php version is 5.5.9.和 php 版本是 5.5.9。 How can i shoot this problem;我怎样才能解决这个问题; it took really long time what's the problem with it花了很长时间它有什么问题

Only a guess able answer is here possible.这里只能猜测出答案。

I guess you are missing a php module like curl or you did not enable fopen wrappers for http/url.我猜您缺少像 curl 这样的 php 模块,或者您没有为 http/url 启用 fopen 包装器。 This depends what "Illuminate\\Http" is using.这取决于“Illuminate\\Http”使用的是什么。

Try to enable the php error log.尝试启用php错误日志。

I know it's an old post, but I reached here looking for the same error.我知道这是一个旧帖子,但我到达这里寻找相同的错误。 Turned out to be a malformed .env file.原来是一个格式错误的 .env 文件。 I wanted to set the APP_NAME with spaces and was setting the variable like this:我想用空格设置 APP_NAME 并像这样设置变量:


The correct implementation is to surround the string with quotation marks:正确的实现是用引号将字符串括起来:


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