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[英]Ajax not posting to data to classic asp page

I'm working with two classic asp pages. 我正在使用两个经典的ASP页面。 In the first page, I have a modal dialog box with a button that when clicked, is suppose to send data to the second asp page. 在第一页中,我有一个模式对话框,其中包含一个按钮,单击该按钮时,该对话框将向第二个ASP页发送数据。

The problem is that I'm getting a "success" callback when it's ran but that data is not being posted to the second page. 问题是我在运行时收到“成功”回调,但数据未发布到第二页。

Here is the first page: 这是第一页:

$(function() {
    $("#SendNegAdj").click(function() {
            title:"Send Negative Adjustment",
            width: 400,
            height: 200,
            modal: true,
            buttons: {


And here is where the data is supposed to be posted to: 这是应该将数据发布到的位置:

<% Dim test
test = Request("libid")
Response.Write test

Your code first of all uses $.post() to make a POST request with Ajax. 您的代码首先使用$.post()向Ajax发出POST请求。 If it gets a successful response, it ignores the data in that response and runs location.replace to make a completely new GET request to the same URL. 如果成功获得响应,它将忽略该响应中的数据并运行location.replace以对同一URL发出全新的 GET请求。

The browser then displays the response to the GET response. 然后,浏览器将显示对GET响应的响应。

If you want to make a POST request and display the result as a new page, then submit a form. 如果您要发出POST请求并将结果显示为新页面,请提交表单。 Don't use Ajax. 不要使用Ajax。

You need to use Request.Form() : 您需要使用Request.Form()

<% Dim test
  test = Request.Form("libid")
  Response.Write test

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