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BeautifulSoup - 如何在不打开标签的情况下提取文本 <br> 标签?

[英]BeautifulSoup - how to extract text without opening tag and before <br> tag?

I'm new to python and beautifulsoup and spent quite a few hours trying to figure this one out. 我是python和beautifulsoup的新手,花了不少时间试图弄清楚这个。
I want to extract three particular text extracts within a <div> that has no class. 我想在没有类的<div>中提取三个特定的文本提取。
The first text extract I want is within an <a> tag which is within an <h4> tag. 第一个文本提取我想是一个内<a>标签,其是内<h4>标记。 This I managed to extract it. 我设法提取它。
The second text extract immediately follows the closing h4 tag </h4> and is followed by a <br> tag. 第二个文本提取紧跟在结束h4标记</h4>之后,后跟一个<br>标记。
The third text extract immediately follows the <br> tag after the second text extract and is also followed by a <br> tag. 第二个文本提取紧跟在第二个文本提取之后的<br>标记之后,后面跟着一个<br>标记。

Here the html extract I work with: 这里是我使用的html提取:

    <h4 class="actorboxLink">
    <a href="/a-decheterie-de-bagnols-2689">Decheterie de Bagnols</a>
    Route des 4 Vents<br>
    63810 Bagnols<br>

I want to extract: 我想提取:

Decheterie de Bagnols < That works Decheterie de Bagnols <有效

Route des 4 Vents < Doesn't work Route des 4 Vents <不起作用

63810 Bagnols < Doesn't work 63810 Bagnols <不起作用

Here is the code I have so far: 这是我到目前为止的代码:

import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup    
data = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser")
name = soup.findAll("h4", class_="actorboxLink")

for a_tag in name:
    print a_tag.text.strip()

I need something like "soup.findAll( all text after </h4> )" 我需要像“soup.findAll( </h4>之后的所有文字 )”之类的东西

I played with using .next_sibling but I can't get it to work. 我使用.next_sibling玩,但我不能让它工作。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗? Thanks 谢谢

I tried this: 我试过这个:

for a_tag in classActorboxLink:
    print a_tag.find_all_next(string=True, limit=5) 

which gives me: 这给了我:
[u'\\n', u'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tDecheterie\\xa0de\\xa0Bagnols\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t', u'\\n', u'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\tRoute\\xa0des\\xa04\\xa0Vents', u'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t63810 Bagnols'] [u'\\ n',你'\\ r \\ n \\ t \\ t \\ t \\ t \\ t \\ tDecheterie \\ xa0de \\ xa0Bagnols \\ t \\ t \\ t \\ t \\ t \\'',你'\\ n',你' r \\ n \\ t \\ t \\ t \\ tRoute \\ xa0des \\ xa04 \\ xa0Vents',u'\\ r \\ n \\ t \\ t \\ t \\ t \\ tt33810 Bagnols']

It's a start but I need to relove all the whitespaces and unecessary characters. 这是一个开始,但我需要重新获得所有的空白和不必要的角色。 I tried using .strip() , .strings and .stripped_strings but it doesn't work. 我试着用.strip() .strings.stripped_strings ,但它不工作。 Examples: 例子:

for a_tag in classActorboxLink.strings

for a_tag in classActorboxLink.stripped_strings

print a_tag.find_all_next(string=True, limit=5).strip() 

For all three I get: 对于这三个我得到:

AttributeError: 'ResultSet' object has no attribute 'strings/stripped_strings/strip'

Locate the h4 element and use find_next_siblings() : 找到h4元素并使用find_next_siblings()

h4s = soup.find_all("h4", class_="actorboxLink")
for h4 in h4s:
    for text in h4.find_next_siblings(text=True):

If you don't need each of the 3 elements you are looking for in different variables you could just use the get_text() function on the <div> to get them all in one string. 如果你不需要在不同变量中寻找的3个元素中的每一个,你可以使用<div>上的get_text()函数将它们全部放在一个字符串中。 If there are other div tags but they all have classes you can find all the <div> with class=false . 如果有其他div标签,但它们都有类,你可以找到所有<div> with class=false If you can't isolate the <div> that you are interested in then this solution won't work for you. 如果您无法隔离您感兴趣的<div> ,那么此解决方案将不适合您。

import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup    
data = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "html.parser")

for name in soup.find_all("div", class=false)
     print name.get_text().strip()

BTW this is python 3 & bs4 顺便说一句,这是python 3&bs4

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