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[英]Dynamic Property Assignment Throws RuntimeBinderException

I am getting a RuntimeBinderException with the message 我收到一条带有消息的RuntimeBinderException

Cannot implicitly convert type 'object' to 'MyNamespace.SomeEnum?'. 无法将类型'object'隐式转换为'MyNamespace.SomeEnum?'。 An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) 存在显式转换(您是否缺少演员表?)

The following code generates that error: 以下代码生成该错误:

public enum SomeEnum

public class Example
    public SomeEnum? EnumMember { get; set; }

public static class Program
    static void Main()
        dynamic example = new Example();

        // Works without issue
        example.EnumMember = (dynamic)Enum.Parse(typeof(SomeEnum), "Val1");

        // Works without issue
        example.EnumMember = Enum.Parse(example.EnumMember.GetType(), "Val1");

        // Throws the aforementioned RuntimeBinderException
        example.EnumMember = Enum.Parse(typeof(SomeEnum), "Val1");

Why do to first two lines work (both return type dynamic), but the third throws an exception (when the return type is object)? 为什么前两行有效(返回类型均为动态),但第三行抛出异常(当返回类型为object时)? I was under the impression that, when assigning to dynamic, the binding is performed using the actual, run-time type of the right-hand-side. 我的印象是,当分配给动态时,绑定是使用右侧的实际运行时类型执行的。 Can someone please enlighten me as to why the third line is unable to run as written? 有人可以启发我为什么第三行不能按原样运行吗?

The compile-time type of the expression on the RHS of the = operator for the first two lines is dynamic . 前两行=运算符在RHS上的表达式的编译时类型为dynamic In the first case that's because you've cast to dynamic , and in the second case it's because you're using a dynamic value in one of the arguments. 在第一种情况下,是因为您已强制转换为dynamic ,在第二种情况下,是因为您在其中一个参数中使用了动态值。

In the third case, the compile-time type of the expression is object . 在第三种情况下,表达式的编译时类型为object So you're trying to do the equivalent of: 因此,您正在尝试执行以下操作:

object x = Enum.Parse(typeof(SomeEnum), "Val1");
example.EnumMember = x;

That doesn't work, because there's no implicit conversion from object to SomeEnum? 那是行不通的,因为没有从objectSomeEnum? 隐式转换SomeEnum? , which is what the compiler is trying to find at execution time. ,这是编译器在执行时试图查找的内容。

Note that the nullability part really isn't relevant here - nor is the fact that it's an enum. 请注意,可空性部分在这里确实无关紧要-它也不是枚举。 It's just that the assignment operator is being bound dynamically, but using the compile-time time of the RHS. 只是赋值运算符是动态绑定的,而是使用RHS的编译时时间。 Here's a similar but simpler example: 这是一个类似但更简单的示例:

class Test
    public int Foo { get; set; }

    static void Main()
        dynamic example = new Test();

        example.Foo = 10; // Fine

        object o = 10;
        example.Foo = o; // Bang

If you want the compiler to handle the assignment dynamically using the actual type of the value returned rather than the compile-time type, then using dynamic is exactly what you want to do - either cast to dynamic, or use: 如果希望编译器使用返回值的实际类型而不是编译时类型来dynamic处理分配,则使用dynamic正是您想要做的-强制转换为dynamic或使用:

dynamic value = ...;
target.SomeProperty = value;

You still need to do an implicit conversion for the third line 您仍然需要对第三行进行隐式转换

example.EnumMember = (SomeEnum) Enum.Parse(typeof(SomeEnum), "Val1");


The reason that you still need implicit conversion is because Enum.Parse returns an object. 您仍然需要隐式转换的原因是因为Enum.Parse返回了一个对象。 Refer to the documentation below. 请参阅下面的文档。

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/essfb559(v=vs.110).aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/library/essfb559(v=vs.110).aspx


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