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[英]MySQL specific number of entries

Hello i have got a Mysql table that i fill within a php script. 您好,我有一个Mysql表,我在一个php脚本中填写。 In this script i check if the number of entries of a specific type has reached the maximum to inform the customer. 在此脚本中,我检查特定类型的条目数是否已达到最大数量,以通知客户。 If the number of entries is less i let him insert a new entry into my table. 如果条目数较少,我让他在表中插入一个新条目。 The table looks like this 桌子看起来像这样

Date          | Type 
Tuesday 13:00 | Car

And the php script that checks looks like this 和检查的PHP脚本看起来像这样


$sql = $conn->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM Table WHERE Date='Tuesday 13:00' AND Type='Car'"); 
$sql ->execute(); 
$sql_rows = $sql->fetchColumn();

if ($sql_rows > 20){ 

echo "All entries for this type has been filled please choose another to continue"; 


$insert = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO Table VALUES('Tuesday 13:00', 'Car')");
$insert -> execute(); 


My problem now is that if 100 people access this php script at the same moment will the php script allow exactly 19 people to insert themselves 'Tuesday 13:00','Car' into the database or more and how could i prevent that without creating inconvenience to the clients? 我现在的问题是,如果100个人同时访问此php脚本,该php脚本将允许恰好19个人将自己的“星期二13:00”,“汽车”插入数据库或更多,我如何才能避免这种情况而无需创建给客户带来不便?

Use a transaction to ensure that both queries work with the same snapshot of the table. 使用事务来确保两个查询都使用表的相同快照。 The transaction will lock the table so that other people will wait. 该事务将锁定表,以便其他人等待。 Put $conn->startTransaction() before the first SELECT query, add a FOR UPDATE clause to the query, and $conn->commit() after the INSERT . $conn->startTransaction()放在第一个SELECT查询之前,将FOR UPDATE子句添加到查询中,并将$conn->commit()放在INSERT

You must be using InnoDB, not MyISAM, for transactions to be effective. 您必须使用InnoDB,而不是MyISAM,交易才能生效。


$sql = $conn->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM Table 
                        WHERE Date='Tuesday 13:00' AND Type='Car' 
                        FOR UPDATE"); 
$sql ->execute(); 
$sql_rows = $sql->fetchColumn();

if ($sql_rows > 20){ 
    echo "All entries for this type has been filled please choose another to continue"; 
    $insert = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO Table VALUES('Tuesday 13:00', 'Car')");
    $insert -> execute(); 

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