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[英]Angular - If checkbox is checked change value

Controller: 控制器:

promiseObj.physical = $http.get('search?sumBoth=1&customer=' + customer).success(function(data) {

$scope.servers = data; // get data from json


View: 视图:

<tr ng-repeat="data in servers | filter: { _id: { idc: item._id.idc } }">

Oversubscription? <input type="checkbox" name="oversubscription" />

What I am trying to do is to change <td>{{data.Virtual.SumCores}}</td> to <td>{{data.Virtual.SumCores/4}}</td> if over subscription is equal to true 我想做的是,如果超额订购等于<td>{{data.Virtual.SumCores}}</td><td>{{data.Virtual.SumCores/4}}</td>真正

Fairly new to angular and I am still learning: Angular还很陌生,我仍在学习:

Do I do this in the view or the controller? 我要在视图或控制器中执行此操作吗?

What is the best approach? 最好的方法是什么?

You can do it in the view - just be sure to give your checkbox a ngModel 您可以在视图中进行操作-只需确保为复选框提供ngModel

Oversubscription? <input type="checkbox" ng-model="overSubscription" name="oversubscription" />

<td>{{overSubscription ? (data.Virtual.SumCores / 4) : data.Virtual.SumCores}}</td>

Or, with an ngChange on the checkbox and some controller logic: 或者,使用复选框上的ngChange和一些控制器逻辑:

Oversubscription? <input type="checkbox" ng-change="calcCores(overSubscription) ng-model="overSubscription" name="oversubscription" />

Controller: 控制器:

$scope.calcCores = function(checked) {
    $scope.servers = $scope.servers.map(function(server) {
        server.Virtual.SumCores = checked ? (server.Virtual.SumCores / 4) : server.Virtual.SumCores
        return server;

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