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当SelectionUnit = Cell时如何获取所选DataGrid单元的内容

[英]How to get content of selected DataGrid cell when SelectionUnit=Cell

I want to get the value of the cell the user is selecting like so: 我想获取用户选择的单元格的值,如下所示:


However it's turning out to be more challenging than I thought it would be. 但是事实证明,这比我想象的要更具挑战性。

I've been digging around on the contents of these: 我一直在研究这些内容:

DataGridCellInfo currentCell = MyDataGrid.CurrentCell;
DataGridCellInfo selectedCell = MyDataGrid.SelectedCells[0];

// object selectedItems = MyDataGrid.SelectedItems[0]; throws index out of range error

object selectedValue = MyDataGrid.SelectedValue; // null
object selectedItem = MyDataGrid.SelectedItem; // null

But I can't find the simple text in any of these. 但是我在任何这些中都找不到简单的文本。 Does anyone know where to get the value "MEH"? 有谁知道从哪里获得“ MEH”值? Preferably from a DataGridCellInfo type. 最好来自DataGridCellInfo类型。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Edit: 编辑:

I managed to get this to work for DataGridTextColumns , but I also have DataGridTemplateColumns and need it to work for those too. 我设法使它适用于DataGridTextColumns ,但我也有DataGridTemplateColumns并且也需要它用于那些。

public string GetSelectedCellValue()
    DataGridCellInfo cellInfo = MyDataGrid.SelectedCells[0];
    if (cellInfo == null) return null;

    DataGridBoundColumn column = cellInfo.Column as DataGridBoundColumn;
    if (column == null) return null;

    FrameworkElement element = new FrameworkElement() { DataContext = cellInfo.Item };
    BindingOperations.SetBinding(element, TagProperty, column.Binding);

    return element.Tag.ToString();

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

I got this to work, but I needed to specify the SortMemberPath of each column to be the property of MyRowClass . 我得到这个工作,但我需要指定每个列的SortMemberPath是财产MyRowClass

public string GetSelectedCellValue()
    DataGridCellInfo cells = MyDataGrid.SelectedCells[0];

    YourRowClass item = cells.Item as YourRowClass;

    // specify the sort member path of the column to that YourRowClass property 
    string columnName = cells.Column.SortMemberPath; 

    if (item == null || columnName == null) return null;

    object result = item.GetType().GetProperty(columnName).GetValue(item, null);

    if (result == null) return null;

    return result.ToString();

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