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使用sidekiq的heroku redis连接问题

[英]heroku redis connection issues using sidekiq

I am using Sidekiq to process jobs. 我正在使用Sidekiq处理作业。 I am using Heroku basic plan which allows up to 40 connections. 我正在使用Heroku基本计划,该计划最多允许40个连接。 My understanding is that each thread can have up to 1 connection. 我的理解是,每个线程最多可以有1个连接。 Sidekiq has a default number of threads of 25. In my thinking I should never be getting more than 25 connections. Sidekiq的默认线程数为25。在我看来,我永远都不会超过25个连接。

But I have been getting too many connections errors to redis. 但是我收到太多的连接错误,无法重做。 How would this be posible? 这怎么可能? Should I cut down the number of Sidekiq workers? 我应该减少Sidekiq工人的数量吗? Or is there something else I can do? 还是我还能做些其他事情? I currently have my Procfile like this: 我目前有这样的Procfile:

worker: bundle exec sidekiq

Would switching it to this fix it? 会切换到此修复程序吗?

worker: bundle exec sidekiq -c 10

Is it possible Sidekiq is not closing connections properly? Sidekiq是否可能无法正确关闭连接? Also, when I get this "too many connections" error, it basically brings down the site - is there a way to let if fail gracefully which it seems like it should do. 另外,当我收到此“连接过多”错误时,它基本上使该站点瘫痪了-有一种方法可以让它正常运行(如果失败),这似乎应该做到。

The short answer was that heroku wasn't accurately showing the number of connections which was tripping up any debugging. 简短的答案是,heroku不能正确显示导致调试失败的连接数量。 And I was pretty amateurish in figuring it out since Redis has pretty much worked. 由于Redis的工作原理相当不错,所以我很业余。

My timeout was set to zero (determined via > heroku redis:info ) which basically meant that connections are held open indefinitely (the dashboard didn't show this accurately saying I was using like 10 when really having like 35). 我的超时设置为零(通过> heroku redis:info来确定),这基本上意味着连接会无限期保持打开状态(仪表板没有准确显示这一点,当我真正拥有35时,我正在使用10。

Connecting to redis via heroku redis:cli and then running >CLIENT LIST showed the problem where there were many connections / clients probably in like TIME_WAIT state. 通过heroku redis:cli连接到Redis,然后运行>CLIENT LIST显示了很多连接/客户端可能处于TIME_WAIT状态的问题。

changing the timeout fixed this: 更改超时可以解决此问题:

heroku redis:timeout --seconds 60 

Honestly, calling it a connection pool is a big inaccurate. 坦白地说,将其称为连接池是一个很大的错误。

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