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[英]checking if an object is in a list before adding java

Ok so I am having problems with my add method on how to implement checking if an object is already in the arraylist before adding a new one. 好的,我的add方法在添加新对象之前如何实现检查数组列表中是否存在对象时遇到问题。

I would also like to create a remove method but everytime I attempt to use it I end up with a null pointer exception. 我也想创建一个remove方法,但是每次尝试使用它时,都会出现空指针异常。

import java.util.*;

public class ContactsArrayList extends AbstractList{

    private Contact[] contacts;
    private int size;

    public ContactsArrayList(){
    //initializes contactArray with a capacity of 1
        contacts = new Contact[1];
        size = 0;
    public ContactsArrayList(int capacity){
        if(capacity < 0){
            try {
                throw new Exception("Capacity: must be greater than zero.");
            } catch (Exception e) {
        contacts = new Contact[capacity];
        size = 0;
    public int size(){
        //returns size of list
        return size;
    public boolean isEmpty(){
        return size == 0;
    private void listRangeCheck(int index){
        //checks if index is within range as built in debugging method
        if(index >= size || index < 0){
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: " + index + " is not within the list.");
    public Contact get(int index){
        //returns index at Contact at specified index
        return contacts[index];
    public void capacityCheck(int minCapacity){
        //checks current capacity if capacity is less than required,
        // array copies its current values over to an array double the size
        int oldCapacity = contacts.length;
        if(minCapacity > oldCapacity){
            int newCapacity = (oldCapacity * 2);
            if(newCapacity < minCapacity)
                newCapacity = minCapacity;
            contacts = Arrays.copyOf(contacts, newCapacity);
    public boolean add(Contact contact){
    //appends the specified element to the end
        capacityCheck(size + 1);
        contacts[size++] = contact;
        return true;
    public int capacity(){
    //returns ContactArray size
        return contacts.length;
    public void sort() {
        //sorts the specified contact array list
        List<Contact> c_list = new ArrayList();
        c_list = Arrays.asList(contacts);

Simple as always: 一如既往的简单:

private boolean contains(Contact contact){  
    for (int i=0; i<contacts.length; i++){      
        if (<condition to know if the 'contact' object exists>) return true;        
    return false;

But if you will consider using ArrayList<Contact>() you can simply use it's contains() 但是,如果您考虑使用ArrayList<Contact>() ,则可以简单地使用它的contains()

Please clarify. 请澄清。 Will you be checking if two separately created objects have the same contents? 您是否要检查两个单独创建的对象的内容是否相同? Or will you be checking if you have added that object before? 还是要检查您之前是否添加了该对象?

All objects have a .equals() method, which checks that both references are the same object. 所有对象都有一个.equals()方法,该方法检查两个引用是否为同一对象。

To extend Roey: 扩展Roey:

private boolean contains(Contact contact) {
    for (int i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
        if (contacts[i].equals(contact)) {
            return true;
    return false;

In your add method, make a call to the contains method: 在您的add方法中,调用contains方法:

if contains(contact)
    return true
    add object

As to your remove method, you can also use the contains method. 至于remove方法,也可以使用contains方法。 General pseudo code: 通用伪代码:

if contains(contact)
    shift all elements above contact down one slot
    decrement size
    return true
    return true


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