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[英]Pulling a random word/string from a line in a text file in python

I have a text file that has six words on one line, I need to randomly generate a word from that line. 我有一个文本文件,在一行上有六个单词,我需要从该行中随机生成一个单词。 The text file name is WordsForGames.txt. 文本文件名是WordsForGames.txt。 I am making a hangman game. 我正在做一个刽子手游戏。 This what I have so, far. 这就是我所拥有的,远远如此。 I am a little lost please help 我有点失落请帮忙

import random
import os
print(" Welcome to the HangMan game!!\n","You will have six guesses to get the answer correct, or you will loose!!!",)
words = open("../WordsForGames.txt")

It could be as simple as: 可以很简单:

import random

The words are read from the first line of the file and converted into an array, then a random choice is made from that array. 从文件的第一行读取单词并将其转换为数组,然后从该数组中随机选择。

If the words are instead on separate lines (or spread across lines), use read() instead of readline() . 如果单词在不同的行上(或跨行分布 ),请使用read()而不是readline()

You can read a line from the file using .readline() function and then split the string into a list of strings, based on whatever delimiter you used for the the words in the line . 您可以使用.readline()函数从文件中读取一行,然后根据您用于行中单词的分隔符将字符串拆分为字符串列表。 And then random.choice() to randomly select one word from the list. 然后random.choice()从列表中随机选择一个单词。

Another suggestion would be to use with statement for handling the file , so that with statement can handle closing the file automatically for you. 另一个建议是使用with语句来处理文件,以便with语句可以自动处理为您关闭文件。

Example - 示例 -

import random
with open("../WordsForGames.txt") as word_file:
    words = word_file.readline().split() #This splits by whitespace, if you used some other delimiter specify the delimiter here as an argument.
random_word = random.choice(words)

If the words are on separate lines, you can use .read() instead of .readline() as (with rest of the above logic same) - 如果单词在单独的行上,您可以使用.read()而不是.readline()作为(以上逻辑的其余部分相同) -

with open("../WordsForGames.txt") as word_file:
        words = word_file.read().split()

Your line words = open("../WordsForGames.txt") does not read the file, it just opens it for reading or possibly writing if you add additional flags. 你的行words = open("../WordsForGames.txt")不读取文件,它只是打开它进行读取或者如果添加其他标志可能会写入。

You need to read the line or lines using readlines() , for example, and then most likely split the words into a list and then randomly select one of the words. 例如,您需要使用readlines()读取一行或多行,然后很可能将单词拆分为一个列表,然后随机选择其中一个单词。 Something like this: 像这样的东西:

import random 

# get the first line if this is the one with the words words
lines = open("../WordsForGames.txt").readlines() 
line = lines[0] 

words = line.split() 
myword = random.choice(words)

shortest solution 最短的解决方案

import random

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