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[英]React-redux, connect function does not update the state with the new data

I am using Redux as a Flux alternative and React for the view layer. 我使用Redux作为Flux替代品,并使用React作为视图层。 My application's React and Redux are bound with react-redux connect() method. 我的应用程序的ReactReduxreact-redux connect()方法绑定。 When running the application it dispatches the action when the components mounts and the redux returns the correct state. 运行应用程序时,它会在组件安装时调度操作,并且redux返回正确的状态。 However the redux-logger logs in the console that the store has updated with the new state, in the component when checking this.props.session it still shows the old state. 但是, redux-logger在控制台中redux-logger了商店已使用新状态更新的内容,在检查this.props.session它仍会显示旧状态。 I am guessing that I'm not using the connect method correctly, however I can't define the issue with it as well. 我猜我没有正确使用connect方法,但我也无法用它来定义问题。 Does anyone have an idea whats going on? 有没有人知道最新情况?

containers/App 容器/应用

'use strict';

import React from 'react';
import {connect} from 'react-redux';
import {fetchUserSession} from 'actions/SessionActions';

class App extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
  componentWillMount() {
    const {dispatch, session} = this.props;
    // logs:
    // Object {currentUserId: null, errorMessage: null, isSessionValid: null}

    // store is bound to window, and the initial state is ImmutabeJS object
    // logs:
    // Object {currentUserId: null, errorMessage: null, isSessionValid: false}
    // as you might noticed the isSessionValid is changed to false

  render() {
    // html here 

function mapStateToProps(state){
  return {
    session: state.session.toJS()

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(App);

actions/Actions.js 动作/ Actions.js

'use strict';

import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch';


export function requestSession() {
  return {

export function receiveSession(user) {
  return {

export function fetchUserSession() {
  return dispatch => {
    return fetch(`http://localhost:5000/session`)
      .then((response) => {
        if (response.status === 404) {
        return response.json();
      .then(userData => dispatch(receiveSession(userData)));

reducers/SessionReducer.js 减速器/ SessionReducer.js

'use strict';
import {fromJS} from 'immutable';

// UPDATE!!!
// here is the initial state
const initialState = fromJS({
  currentUserId: null,
  errorMessage: null,
  isSessionValid: null

function sessionReducer(state = initialState, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return state.update('isSessionValid', () => false);
      console.log('Reducer: SESSION_SUCCESS');
      return state;
      console.log('Reducer: SESSION_FAILURE');
      return state;
      return state;

export default sessionReducer;

reducers/RootReducer 减速器/ RootReducer

'use strict';

import {combineReducers} from 'redux';
import sessionReducer from 'reducers/SessionReducer';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  session: sessionReducer

export default rootReducer;

The issue is with the way the session variable is being logged from props and from the store. 问题在于从props和商店记录session变量的方式。 When you dispatch the action to update state it is synchronously updating the store, which is why you see that the store has been updated when you log it directly. 当您将操作分派给更新状态时,它会同步更新存储,这就是您在直接记录存储时看到存储已更新的原因。 However, react-redux won't be able to update props until the call to componentWillMount has completed and React has had a chance to catch up and rerender the component with the new state. 但是,在调用componentWillMount完成并且React有机会赶上并重新呈现具有新状态的组件之前,react-redux将无法更新props。 If you dispatch the action in componentWillMount and log the session prop at a later time you will see that it has changed to reflect the action. 如果您在componentWillMount调度操作并稍后记录session道具,您将看到它已更改以反映该操作。

Looks like you don't change state in action handlers in reducer. 看起来你没有在reducer中改变动作处理程序中的状态。 Only case with other than return state code says state.update('isSessionValid', () => false) — what does it return? 只有return state代码以外的case才说state.update('isSessionValid', () => false) - 它返回什么? If it's the same object as previous state, redux wouldn't change anything because of immutability convention. 如果它与先前状态是同一个对象,则redux不会因为不变性约定而改变任何东西。

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