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对多个字段使用 Break By

[英]Using Break By for Multiple Fields

I would like to ask how to use multiple break by in a for each statement.我想问一下如何在for each语句中使用多个break by。


Car Code   Color Code
0001       002
0001       002
0001       001
0005       003
0005       002
0007       001
0008       001
0008       005
0008       001

My code is:我的代码是:

def var ctr as int.

For each car no-lock break by carcode by colorcode.对于每辆车按颜色代码的车码无锁中断。

   ctr = ctr + 1.

/*I tried*/
   if last-of(carcode) and last-of(colorcode) then do:
      disp carcode colorcode ctr.
      ctr = 0.

/*and tried*/
   last-of(colorcode) then do:
      if last-of(carcode) 
         disp carcode colorcode ctr.
         ctr = 0.

My expected output would be:我的预期输出是:

car code   Color Code    QTY
0001       001           1
0001       002           2
0005       002           1
0005       003           1
0007       001           1
0008       001           2
0008       005           1

Try this:尝试这个:

FOR EACH tablename NO-LOCK 
   BREAK BY carcode 
         BY colorcode: 

   ctr = ctr + 1.

   if last-of(carcode) OR last-of(colorcode) then do:
      disp carcode colorcode ctr.
      ctr = 0.

It is possible for LAST-OF(colorcode) to be true and LAST-OF(carcode) be false, so change the AND to an OR.有可能 LAST-OF(colorcode) 为真而 LAST-OF(carcode) 为假,因此将 AND 更改为 OR。

If LAST-OF(carcode) is true, then LAST-OF(colorcode) will also be true.如果 LAST-OF(carcode) 为真,则 LAST-OF(colorcode) 也为真。

as I was checking on the code, i disregard the use of the last-of and used a temp-table and buffer instead.当我检查代码时,我忽略了 last-of 的使用,而是使用了临时表和缓冲区。

def buffer btt-car for tt-car.

find first tt-car where tt-car.carcode = car.carcode exclusive.
if not avail tt-car then do:
  create tt-car.
  assign tt-car.car-code = car.carcode
  tt-car.color-code = car.colorcode
  tt-car.qty = tt-car.qty + car.qty.
if avail tt-car then do:
  find first btt-car where btt-car.colorcode = car.colorcode exclusive.
  if not avail btt-car then do:
    create btt-car.
    assign btt-car.car-code = car.carcode
    btt-car.color-code = car.colorcode
    btt-car.qty = btt-car.qty + car.qty.
  if avail btt-car then assign btt-car.qty = btt-car.qty + car.qty.

but if you guys have solutions with using last-of from break by, please share..但如果你们有使用 last-of from break by 的解决方案,请分享..


Something like this should work:这样的事情应该工作:

for each car 
    break by car.carcode
          by car.colorcode

    accumulate car.colorcode (count by car.colorcode).

    if last-of(car.colorcode)
        display car.carcode 
                (accum count by car.colorcode car.colorcode).


You can use a variable instead of ACCUMULATE if you want, of course.当然,如果需要,您可以使用变量代替 ACCUMULATE。

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