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[英]Qt application launch but does not show

I have a strange problem, I had developed 2 months ago a small project and I started to work on it again. 我有一个奇怪的问题,我在2个月前开发了一个小项目,然后又开始进行研究。

The problem is that the application starts (as I can click on the stop button in the IDE to kill it). 问题在于应用程序启动了(因为我可以在IDE中单击“停止”按钮将其杀死)。 But the windows does not show. 但是窗口不显示。 No error messages are shown, I tried to launch it outside of the IDE (with all DLLs and platform plugins). 没有显示错误消息,我尝试在IDE之外(带有所有DLL和平台插件)启动它。 But this is the same. 但这是一样的。

Here is my MainWindow constructor : 这是我的MainWindow构造函数:

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow) {
    qDebug() << "R";
    recorder = new QAudioRecorder(this);
    this->canProcessData = false;

    this->state = WAITING;
    this->mode = NONE;

    connect(this->recorder, SIGNAL(durationChanged(qint64)),
            this, SLOT(updateDuration(qint64)));
    connect(this->recorder, SIGNAL(statusChanged(QMediaRecorder::Status)),
            this, SLOT(updateStatus(QMediaRecorder::Status)));
    connect(this->recorder, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QMediaRecorder::State)),
            this, SLOT(onStateChanged(QMediaRecorder::State)));
    connect(this->recorder, SIGNAL(error(QMediaRecorder::Error)),
            this, SLOT(showError()));

    // list settings
    foreach(const QString &device, recorder->audioInputs()) {
        ui->input_device->addItem(device, QVariant(device));
    foreach(const QString &codec, recorder->supportedAudioCodecs()) {
        ui->codec->addItem(codec, QVariant(codec));
    foreach(int sample_rate, recorder->supportedAudioSampleRates()) {
        ui->sample_rate->addItem(QString::number(sample_rate), QVariant(sample_rate));

    this->log("Ready :)");

Here is main.cpp code: 这是main.cpp代码:

#include "mainwindow.h" 
#include <QApplication> 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    QApplication a(argc, argv); 

    qDebug() << "A"; 

    MainWindow w; 
    w.setWindowFlags(w.windowFlags() |= Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint); 

    return a.exec(); 


As i you can see, I have a qDebug() << "R"; 如我所见,我有一个qDebug() << "R"; at the first line but it does not even show. 在第一行,但它甚至没有显示。

I googled it but obviously all that I could find was topics where it was a DLL problem. 我用谷歌搜索,但显然我能找到的只是关于DLL问题的主题。

I think its worth mentionning that when I dropped the project 2 months ago I was on the same PC and all the paths (compiler, libraries and Qt) are the same. 我认为值得一提的是,两个月前我放弃该项目时,我使用的是同一台PC,并且所有路径(编译器,库和Qt)都相同。

I you know something I would be grateful to you. 我知道我会感激你。


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