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[英]Hook into gdb or make gdb execute command on exception

Sometimes I am trying to debug a program in gdb and it takes it a while of running before the bug comes up. 有时,我试图在gdb调试程序,但要花一些时间才能运行该错误。

While I'm waiting, I like to do other things. 在等待时,我喜欢做其他事情。 It would be nice if gdb could beep at me when an exception happens. 如果gdb可以在发生异常时向我发出蜂鸣声,那就太好了。

Is there a way to make gdb run an external command when an exception happens? 有没有办法让gdb在发生异常时运行外部命令? Or a standard way to hook into gdb for this sort of thing? 还是一种标准的方法可以挂接到gdb上呢?

You could make use of the define and shell , so: 您可以使用defineshell ,因此:

(gdb) define nrun
shell notify-send "Go look at GDB now...."

This creates a new command nrun (for notify run) that does a run command, then when the run has finished uses shell to execute notify-send . 这将创建一个新命令nrun (用于notify run),该命令执行一个run命令,然后在run完成后使用shell执行notify-send

The notify-send is nothing to do with gdb , this is just a program in my $PATH that causes a popup notification dialogue to appear, you could replace notify-send with anything that you want. notify-sendgdb无关,这只是我的$PATH中的一个程序,该程序会导致弹出通知对话框出现,您可以用所需的任何内容替换notify-send

Now instead of using run I use nrun , and once gdb stops I see a notification to go look at gdb. 现在,不使用run而是使用nrun ,一旦gdb停止,我会看到一条通知,请查看gdb。

You can add the define for nrun to your ~/.gdbinit file, and then it will always be available, if you're going to do that you might also want to add some documentation, like this: 您可以将nrundefine添加到您的~/.gdbinit文件中,然后它将始终可用,如果您要这样做,则可能还需要添加一些文档,例如:

documentation nrun
Perform a standard run command and notify the user when gdb stops.

Now in gdb if your forget what your command does you can do this: 现在在gdb如果您忘记了命令,可以执行以下操作:

(gdb) help nrun
Perform a standard run command and notify the user when gdb stops.

And if you forget what you called you command, but you know that it performs a notify when gdb stops you can do this: 而且,如果您忘记了所调用的命令,但是知道gdb停止时它会执行通知,则可以执行以下操作:

(gdb) apropos notify
nrun -- Perform a standard run command and notify the user when gdb stops.

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