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[英]Why while loop don't work?

I have a text in a single line (white-space: nowrap). 我在一行中有一个文本(空白:nowrap)。 I want to reduce the font size of this text if the width of it greater than the width of the parent-block. 如果文本的宽度大于父块的宽度,我想减小此字体的字体大小。

I use while loop. 我用while循环。 Why it doesn't work? 为什么不起作用? Width of "elemWidth" is not updated and loop and the cycle freeze? 宽度“ elemWidth”是否没有更新并且循环和循环冻结?

    var width = $(this).width();
    var fontSize = 50;
    var elem = $(this).find('.slider__title');
    var elemWidth = elem.width();

    while(elemWidth >= width) {
        fontSize = Math.floor(fontSize * 0.96);
        elem.css({fontSize: fontSize+'px'});
var elemWidth = elem.width();

makes a copy of elem.width(); 复制elem.width();

You need to reevaluate elemWidth into your loop : 您需要将elemWidth重新评估为循环:

    var width = $(this).width();
    var fontSize = 50;
    var elem = $(this).find('.slider__title');
    var elemWidth = elem.width();

    while(elemWidth >= width) {
        fontSize = Math.floor(fontSize * 0.96);
        elem.css({fontSize: fontSize+'px'});
        elemWidth = elem.width();

You don't seem to be changing either elemWidth or width inside the while loop. 您似乎并没有在while循环中更改elemWidthwidth So it will either never start, or never end. 因此,它将永远不会开始,也永远不会结束。 You need to update the values you're comparing before the loop ends: 您需要在循环结束之前更新要比较的值:

    var width = $(this).width();
    var fontSize = 50;
    var elem = $(this).find('.slider__title');
    var elemWidth = elem.width();

    while(elemWidth >= width) {
        fontSize = Math.floor(fontSize * 0.96);
        elem.css({fontSize: fontSize+'px'});
        width = $(this).width();
        elemWidth = $(this).find('.slider__title').width();

Alternatively, eliminate the variables so you don't have to update anything: 或者,消除变量,这样就不必更新任何内容:

    var fontSize = 50;

    while($(this).width() >= $(this).find('.slider__title').width()) {
        fontSize = Math.floor(fontSize * 0.96);
        elem.css({fontSize: fontSize+'px'});

Incidentally, I'd use fontSize = fontSize-1; 顺便说一句,我将使用fontSize = fontSize-1; instead of multiplying by 0.96 , but it's probably a micro-optimization. 而不是乘以0.96 ,但这可能是微优化。

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