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[英]Which Babel transformers should I blacklist for a Chrome app?

I'm writing ES6+ code and compiling it with Babel (currently using {stage: 0} as my .babelrc config). 我正在编写ES6 +代码,并用Babel编译(当前使用{stage: 0}作为我的.babelrc配置)。

So I'm compiling everything right down to ES5. 因此,我正在编译所有内容,直到ES5。 But I'm exlusively targeting Chrome v47+, which supports some ES6+ features natively. 但是我专门针对Chrome v47 +,它本身就支持某些ES6 +功能。

Which of the default Babel transformers can I blacklist (disable) and still have my code run in Chrome 47+? 我可以将哪些默认的Babel变压器列入黑名单(禁用),并且仍然可以在Chrome 47+中运行我的代码?

Available ES6+ Functionality 可用的ES6 +功能

Take a look at this page to see what features are fully implemented and enabled by default in Chrome and this page for the Babel transformers to which they correspond. 查看此页面,以查看Chrome默认情况下完全实现并启用了哪些功能,以及此页面对应的Babel变压器。

ES6 Feature             Release   Babel Transformer                   Spec. Compliant*
Rest Parameters        | 47      | es6.parameters                    | ✔
Spread                 | 46      | es6.spread                        | ✔
Arrow Functions        | 45      | es6.arrowFunctions                | ✔
Extended Obj. Literals | 45      | es6.properties.shorthand/computed | ✘
Computed Prop. Names   | 44      | es6.properties.shorthand/computed | ✘
Classes                | 42      | es6.classes                       | ✘
Template Strings       | 41      | es6.templateLiterals              | ✘
Generators             | 39      | regenerator                       | ✘
JS iterators           | 38      | es6.forOf                         | ✘
Block bindings         | 18      | es6.blockScoping/constants        | ✘

*I have derived the column Spec. *我导出了Spec列。 Compliant (re: Chrome not Babel) by looking at what draft of the specification the current implementation is based. 通过查看当前实现所基于的规范草案来兼容(例如:Chrome不是Babel)。 For example 'Editor's Draft' -- I assume this means a potentially incomplete or incorrect implementation. 例如“编辑草稿”-我认为这意味着潜在的不完整或不正确的实现。

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Babel Transformer Dependencies Babel变压器依存关系

These are the dependencies that transformers have on each other that I have identified from the Babel source code: 这些是我从Babel源代码中识别出的变压器相互之间的依赖关系:

Transformer               Dependencies
es7.classProperties      | es6.classes
es7.decorators           | es6.classes
es7.asyncFunctions       | es6.classes
es7.objectRestSpread     | es6.destructuring

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Conclusion 结论

It seems that no ES6 Babel transformer is dependent on another. 似乎没有ES6 Babel变压器依赖于另一个。 So, any ES6 feature that is implemented in Chrome, and is spec. 因此,Chrome中实现的任何ES6功能都是规范的。 compliant , you no longer need to rely on Babel for. 兼容 ,您不再需要依赖Babel。 And these are: es6.parameters , es6.spread , and es6.arrowFunctions . 它们是: es6.parameterses6.spreades6.arrowFunctions

It's currently not quite as simple as disabling transformers for features the environment supports, because some transformers have dependencies on others. 目前,它还不像为环境所支持的功能禁用转换器那样简单,因为某些转换器依赖于其他转换器。 For example, the es7.asyncFunctions transformer depends on es6.classes , even for environments where classes are natively supported. 例如,即使对于本地支持类的环境, es7.asyncFunctions转换器也依赖于es6.classes By "depends", I don't mean that es7.asyncFunctions automatically invokes es6.classes , I mean that es6.classes has to be individually enabled (either explicitly or by not being blacklisted). “依赖”不是指es7.asyncFunctions自动调用es6.classes ,而是指es6.classes必须单独启用(无论是显式还是不被列入黑名单)。 See babel/babel#2415 . 参见babel / babel#2415

Possibly also of interest: babel/babel#2340 . 可能还感兴趣: babel / babel#2340

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