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[英]Cannot convert value of type 'NSIndexPath' to expected argument type 'NSIndexPath'

Cannot convert value of type 'NSIndexPath' to expected argument type 'NSIndexPath' 无法将'NSIndexPath'类型的值转换为预期的参数类型'NSIndexPath'

Error is on self.collectionView?.moveItemAtIndexPath(obj[0] as! NSIndexPath, toIndexPath: obj[1] as! NSIndexPath) line 错误在self.collectionView?.moveItemAtIndexPath(obj[0] as! NSIndexPath, toIndexPath: obj[1] as! NSIndexPath) line

if let changes = self.objectChanges{
    self.collectionView?.performBatchUpdates({ () -> Void in
        for change in changes as NSArray as! [NSDictionary] {
            change.enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock { (keyObject:AnyObject!, obj:AnyObject!, stop) -> Void in
                let key = keyObject as! NSNumber
                let type = NSFetchedResultsChangeType(rawValue: key.unsignedLongValue)!
                switch (type)
                    case .Insert:
                        self.collectionView?.insertItemsAtIndexPaths(obj as! ([NSIndexPath]))
                    case .Delete:
                        self.collectionView?.deleteItemsAtIndexPaths(obj as! ([NSIndexPath]))
                    case .Update:
                        self.collectionView?.reloadItemsAtIndexPaths(obj as! ([NSIndexPath]))
                    case .Move:
                        self.collectionView?.moveItemAtIndexPath(obj[0] as! NSIndexPath, toIndexPath: obj[1] as! NSIndexPath)
    }, completion: nil)

You are trying to apply subscript to obj which is AnyObject not Array . 您正在尝试将下标应用于obj ,即AnyObject而不是Array You should cast obj to [NSIndexPath] : 你应该把obj [NSIndexPath][NSIndexPath]

if let obj = obj as? [NSIndexPath] {
    switch (type) {
        case .Insert:
        case .Delete:
        case .Update:
        case .Move:
            self.collectionView?.moveItemAtIndexPath(obj[0], toIndexPath: obj[1])


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