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如果规则取决于字段,如何在ZF2 / Apigility中设置输入验证?

[英]How to set up input validation in ZF2/Apigility, if rules are field-dependent?

There is a class Item . 有一个类Item It has an attribute type , that can be a , b , or c . 它具有属性type ,可以是abc For all the types there is a common minimal set of attributes / input fields: type and other ones. 对于所有类型,都有一个通用的最小属性集/输入字段: type和其他。 Every type has some further attributes: 每种类型都有一些其他属性:

default set of the common fields
additional fields in case of type=a
additional fields in case of type=b
additional fields in case of type=c

Furthermore the validation rules for bar and bar are slightly different for the cases type=b and type=c . 此外,对于type=btype=c情况, barbar的验证规则略有不同。

How to set up the validation in a ZF2/Apigilty application depending on the value of a field (or multiple fields)? 如何根据一个字段(或多个字段)的值在ZF2 / Apigilty应用程序中设置验证? For this concrete case: How to set up the validation depending on the type ? 对于这种具体情况:如何根据type设置验证?


The attribute type is an in dependent one. 属性typein依赖的。 That means -- it should not become invalid, if the set of the additional fields ( foo , bar etc.) doesn't match to it. 这意味着-它应该成为无效,如果设定的附加字段(中foobar等)不匹配它。 (It's required and gets validated agains an array of the allowed values, that's it.) (这是required并且再次验证了允许值的数组 ,就是这样。)

So, it should work in the opposite direction: 因此,它应该朝相反的方向工作:

IF (type == 'a') {
    proper "required" and validation rules the additional fields
} ELSEIF (type == 'b') {
    proper "required" and validation rules the additional fields
} ELSEIF (type == 'c') {
    proper "required" and validation rules the additional fields

You can write a ValidTypeInputFilter with your custom logic and attach a config that looks something similar like this: 您可以使用自定义逻辑编写ValidTypeInputFilter并附加一个类似于以下内容的配置:

    'type' => array(
        'name' => 'type',
        'required' => true,
        'validators' => array(
                'name' => 'CustomTypeValidator'
    'qwer' => array(
        'name' => 'qwer',
        'required' => true,
        'filters' => array(
        'validators' => array(
    'asdf' => array(
        'name' => 'asdf',
        'required' => true,
        'filters' => array(
        'validators' => array(
    'yxcv' => array(
        'name' => 'yxcv',
        'required' => true,
        'filters' => array(
        'validators' => array(

And your custom validator class: 和您的自定义验证器类:

namespace Application\Validator;

class CustomTypeValidator extends AbstractValidator{

    const INVALID_TYPE = 'invalid_type';    

    const NOT_ARRAY = 'not_an_array';    

    protected $messageTemplates = array(
        self::NOT_ARRAY => "Type must be an array",
        self::INVALID_TYPE => "Type must be a, b or c",

    public function isValid($value)

        if (!is_array($value)) {
            return false;

        if(key($value) === 'a'){
            //... validate a

        if(key($value) === 'b'){
            //... validate b

        if(key($value) === 'c'){
            //... validate c

        return false;

For validating a , b and c you can also write validator classes and instantiate and use them inside your custom type validator: 为了验证abc您还可以编写验证器类并实例化并在自定义类型验证器中使用它们:

    if(key($value) === 'a'){
        $validator = new TypeAValidator():
        $valid = $validator->isValid($value['a']);
        return $valid;

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