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[英]gulp-plumber throws error then stops build.

Having an issue with gulp-plumber as it breaks my build upon a error throw. gulp-plumber遇到了问题,因为它因抛出错误而中断了我的构建。

For example I make a change to my scss with an invalid syntax such as padding-left:woah-err . 例如,我使用无效的语法(例如padding-left:woah-errscss进行了更改。 Plumber notifies me in the terminal of the error. 水管工在终端通知我错误。 Then I got back to scss file make the change to padding-left:20px; 然后我回到scss文件,将其更改为padding-left:20px; save and get no response in terminal and it looks like my gulp build is broken...To fix I haft to restart gulp. 保存并在终端中没有任何响应 ,看来我的gulp构建已损坏...要修复,我不得不重新启动gulp。

However inside my gulp file if I change this.emit('end'); 但是在我的this.emit('end');文件中,如果我更改this.emit('end'); to this.emit(); this.emit(); the build dose not break but I get no plumber notifications of errors anymore. 构建不会中断,但是我再也没有收到关于错误的管道工通知。

Looking into changing up the way my I configured my plumber to get this to work right. 我想改变我配置水暖工的方式,以使其正常工作。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么? This looks like a good solution . 这看起来是一个很好的解决方案

Here's my packages 这是我的包裹

var gulp = require('gulp'),
 fs = require('fs'),
 gulpif = require('gulp-if'), // condtionally run task
 plumber = require('gulp-plumber'), // prevent pipe breaking
 browserSync = require('browser-sync').create(),
 bower = require('gulp-bower'), // gulp bower
 concat = require('gulp-concat'), // concat files
 cssmin = require('gulp-minify-css'), // minify css
 rename = require('gulp-rename'), // rename file
 runSequence = require('run-sequence'), // runs gulp tasks in order
 sass = require('gulp-sass'), // css preprocessor
 uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); // minify js

Here's my styles task (had someone help me set this up)..Might want to rethink it's structure. 这是我的样式任务(有人帮助我进行设置)。可能要重新考虑它的结构。 Open to suggestions 接受建议

// Styles Task
gulp.task('styles', function(){
    // streamError is set to false
    var streamError = false;
    return gulp.src(paths.source.styles)
            // plumber finds errors in stream
                streamError = error;
                // plumber logs errors to console and terminal
         // compile sass
        // if the streamError is NOT false reload browser
        .pipe(cssmin()) // min css
        .pipe(rename({ // rename file to site.min.css
        // if streamError is not `false` reload browser

Here's the error 这是错误 在此处输入图片说明

This fixed the problem for me. 这为我解决了问题。

Using gulp-plumber 1.1.0

function onError(err) {
    console.log(err); //or other way you may prefer to log

gulp.task('myTask', function(){
    return gulp

Hope this help 希望这个帮助

I think because when error happens, Gulp didnt receive the finished callback; 我认为是因为发生错误时,Gulp没有收到完成的回调。
You may need add a done param to your task function. 您可能需要在任务函数中添加完成的参数。
if there is error, you will call done() manually. 如果有错误,您将手动调用done()。 Simple: 简单:

// Styles Task
gulp.task('styles', function( done /** done! **/){
    // streamError is set to false
    var streamError = false;
    return gulp.src(paths.source.styles)
            // plumber finds errors in stream
                streamError = error;
                // plumber logs errors to console and terminal
                done();//call done here!
        //keep the same.....

hope it's help 希望对你有帮助

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