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调试在关键字“ where”附近产生不正确的语法

[英]Debugging yields incorrect syntax near keyword 'where'

I have the following function that I am trying to run that joins a product table and a productcategory table and return the results. 我尝试运行以下功能,该功能将product表和product productcategory表联接productcategory并返回结果。 The debugger, when exception is thrown, displays the query string and I have tried running the query string in my test mysql database and it works. 当引发异常时,调试器显示查询字符串,并且我尝试在我的测试mysql数据库中运行查询字符串,并且该调试器有效。

The CategorizedProduct is a model. CategorizedProduct是一个模型。 I have checked and made sure that all the fields in the select list match the fields in the model. 我已经检查并确保select列表中的所有字段都与模型中的字段匹配。

I cannot find where the error is. 我找不到错误所在。

public static List<CategorizedProduct> GetAllCategorizedProducts(string category)
    using (var conn = Sql.GetConnection())
        string queryString = "select ProductID,ProductName,ProductType,ProductCategory,CategoryName,Unit,PricePerUnit,IsAvailable,NumberOfUnits,RemainingUnits,WeightPerUnit" +
            " from product inner join productcategory where product.ProductCategory = productcategory.CategoryID and CategoryName = \'" + category + "\' order by ProductType;";
        return conn.Query<CategorizedProduct>(queryString).ToList();

Try this version instead: 试试这个版本:

select ProductID, ProductName, ProductType, ProductCategory,
       CategoryName, Unit, PricePerUnit, IsAvailable, NumberOfUnits,
       RemainingUnits, WeightPerUnit
from product inner join
     on product.ProductCategory = productcategory.CategoryID 
where CategoryName = \'" + category + "\'
order by ProductType;

I do think that the on is optional in MySQL after join , but this might fix your problem. 我认为,在on是MySQL后,可选的join ,但是这可能会解决您的问题。 The on is required by any other database (and I think if you have certain ANSI settings on in MySQL). 其他任何数据库都需要on (并且我认为如果您在MySQL中具有某些ANSI设置)。

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