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我们如何通过iOS中的WiFi / 3G Internet实现语音呼叫功能?

[英]How could we implement Voice calling functionality by using WiFi/3G Internet in iOS?

I want to implement voice calling functionality by using WiFi/3G Internet ,I am tired implementing it by using. 我想使用WiFi / 3G Internet来实现语音呼叫功能,我厌倦了通过使用来实现它。

1) LinPhone Library 1) LinPhone库

Download source code from: https://github.com/BelledonneCommunications/linphone-iphone 从以下位置下载源代码: https//github.com/BelledonneCommunications/linphone-iphone
When I run Linphone code it shows me error message: 当我运行Linphone代码时,会显示错误消息:

'ortp/ortp.h' file not found 找不到'ortp / ortp.h'文件

But in Library, file is present ortp.h . 但是在Library中,文件存在于ortp.h中 For solution I used ortp/ortp.h not found in LinPhone LIbrary and did changes which is mention in solution, but error not solved. 对于解决方案,我使用了LinPhone LIbrary中找不到的ortp / ortp.h并进行了解决方案中提到的更改,但是错误没有解决。 How to fix that error issue? 如何解决该错误问题?

Is there another Free Library for Voice calling? 还有另一个免费的语音通话吗? How to implement it? 如何执行呢?

i think u didnt read "readme" file. 我认为您没有阅读“自述文件”。 follow it . 跟着它 。 you will get the answer .first confirm which resolution you are using it . 您将得到答案。首先确认您使用的分辨率。 64 bit or 32 bit. 64位或32位。 did you check library search path under build setting 您是否在构建设置下检查库搜索路径

you cant able to send 32 bit bit app to itunesconnect .so download 64 now . 您无法将32位应用程序发送到itunesconnect。因此请立即下载64。 [link] ( https://github.com/BelledonneCommunications/linphone-iphone ). [link]( https://github.com/BelledonneCommunications/linphone-iphone )。 [enter link description here][1]once you downloaded follow the steps given the same page .invoke the sdk by using homebrew. [在此处输入链接说明] [1]下载完成后,请按照同一页面上的步骤操作。使用自制程序调用sdk。 once you done these, add add these lines in library and header search paths under build setting [![enter image description here][2]][2] 完成这些操作后,在构建设置[![在此处输入图像描述] [2]] [2]下,将这些行添加到库和标头搜索路径中。

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