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取消在Android中的应用程序Billing Subscription中

[英]Cancel In app Billing Subscription in android

In my app , there is functionality called in app subscription which is auto renewal . 在我的应用程序中,有一个名为app subscription的功能,即自动续订。 In app there is a feature called "Cancel Upgrade". 在应用程序中有一个名为“取消升级”的功能。

What I want is If user cancel the subscription then his/her subcription will be cancelled not refundable but just cancelled. 我想要的是如果用户取消订阅,那么他/她的订阅将被取消,不会退还,但只是取消。

I go through this link and found below note: 我通过这个链接 ,发现如下:

You cannot use the API to issue refunds or cancel In-app Billing transactions. 您无法使用API​​发放退款或取消应用内结算交易。 You must do this manually through your Google payments merchant account. 您必须通过Google付款商家帐户手动执行此操作。 However, you can use the API to retrieve order information. 但是,您可以使用API​​来检索订单信息。

But i want my user to cancel his/her upgrade. 但我希望我的用户取消他/她的升级。

Is there any way to do this or please provide alternate solution for this. 有没有办法做到这一点或请为此提供替代解决方案。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

You can try Google Play Developer API , a REST-based web service that includes Subscriptions and In-App Purchases API 您可以尝试使用Google Play Developer API ,这是一种基于REST的Web服务,其中包括订阅和应用内购买API

Purchases.subscriptions: cancel Purchases.subscriptions:取消

Cancels a user's subscription purchase. 取消用户的订阅购买。 The subscription remains valid until its expiration time. 订阅在到期时间内有效。

User Billing 用户结算

Google Play provides a purchase token back to the purchasing app through the In-app Billing API. Google Play通过应用内结算API向购买应用提供购买代币。 Your apps can store the token locally or pass it to your backend servers, which can then use it to validate or cancel the subscription remotely using the Google Play Developer API. 您的应用可以在本地存储令牌或将其传递给后端服务器,后端服务器可以使用它来使用Google Play Developer API远程验证或取消订阅。

From the in app subscription guide , 应用内订阅指南中

Users can view the status of all of their subscriptions and cancel them if necessary from the My Apps screen in the Play Store app. 用户可以查看所有订阅的状态,并在必要时从Play商店应用中的“我的应用”屏幕取消订阅。 Currently, the In-app Billing API does not provide support for programatically canceling subscriptions from inside the purchasing app. 目前,应用内结算API不支持从购买应用内部以编程方式取消订阅。

Thus, the user won't be able to cancel their subscription from the app itself, but you can invite them to viist the My Apps section on the Play Store to cancel it. 因此,用户将无法从应用程序本身取消订阅,但您可以邀请他们在Play商店中挑选我的应用程序部分以取消订阅。

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