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[英]Initialize a vector inside a struct

I have the following struct: 我有以下结构:

struct MsgProperties
    DWORD               msgSize;
    std::vector<BYTE>   vbuffer;

    MsgProperties(DWORD A = 0) : msgSize(A){}

I want to use that struct with a c++ vector so this is what I've done: 我想将该结构与C ++向量一起使用,所以这就是我所做的:

std::vector<MsgProperties> ReadText;
DWORD bytesRead;
    bytesRead = myFile.Read(buffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    ReadText.push_back(MsgProperties(bytesRead, std::vector<BYTE>((BYTE*)buffer, (BYTE*)buffer + bytesRead)));

} while (bytesRead > 0);

but I can't figure out how to make it work correctly. 但我不知道如何使其正常工作。 Can someone tell me what I am missing? 有人可以告诉我我想念什么吗?

Looks like you need another 2 constructors: 看来您还需要2个构造函数:

MsgProperties(DWORD A, const std::vector<BYTE>& vec) : msgSize(A), vbuffer(vec) {}
MsgProperties(DWORD A, std::vector<BYTE>&& vec) : msgSize(A), vbuffer(vec) {}

Alernatively, a single constructor would be good too: 替代地,单个构造函数也将是不错的:

MsgProperties(DWORD A, std::vector<BYTE> vec) : msgSize(A), vbuffer(std::move(vec)) {}

On a side note, I do not see why you need message size at all. 顺便说一句,我根本看不到为什么您需要消息大小。 the size of the vector is the message size. 向量的大小就是消息的大小。

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