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[英]Rails search through `has_many :through` text fields

Let say I have a two models with association has_many :through between them. 假设我有两个具有has_many :through关联的模型has_many :through它们之间has_many :through

class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :category_recipes
  has_many :categories, through: :category_recipes

  validates :name, presence: true

class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :category_recipes
  has_many :categories, through: :category_recipes

  validates :title, presence: true

I want to create search functionality using ActiveRecord for mySQL database, which allow users to implement text search on Recipe title and Category name . 我想使用ActiveRecord创建用于mySQL数据库的搜索功能,该功能允许用户对Recipe title和Category name实施文本搜索。

Now I have just: 现在我只有:

@recipes = Recipe.where('title LIKE ?', "%#{params[:query]}%")

How can I modify this query to search through both title of recipe and it's category names? 如何修改此查询以搜索配方标题及其类别名称?

Recipe.includes(:categories).where('recipes.title LIKE :query or categories.name like :query', query: "%#{params[:query]}%").references(:categories)

请参阅: 在热切的关联上指定条件

You need to left join to the associated table and query the name on either table with OR : 您需要离开联接到关联的表,并使用OR查询任一表的名称:

Recipe.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN category_recipes ON category_recipes.recipe_id = recipes.id")
  .joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN categories ON categories.id = category_recipes.id")
  .where("recipes.title LIKE :q OR categories.name LIKE :q", q: "%#{params[:query]}%").uniq


@recipes = Recipe.includes(:categories).where('title LIKE ? or categories.name LIKE ?', "%#{params[:query]}%","%#{params[:query]}%")

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